Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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The Lost Doggie

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:37
on the porch in late afternoon on an Autumn day
Robin Thompson
10/22/22 08:27:48AM @robin-thompson:

Hey, @cindy-stammich , thanks a bunch!  We love pups of all sizes and ages and all our dogs have brought joy to our lives.  :)

Cindy Stammich
10/21/22 11:45:32PM @cindy-stammich:

Wow!  You two!  I love the tune, and you two totally compliment each other 🎶🎶🎶

A great song about a wonderful doggie (or two)! 

Robin Thompson
10/18/22 05:24:28PM @robin-thompson:

@macaodha Val, the dogs rule in our house and our lives are better because of it. Many thanks for listening and for the nice comment!  

10/18/22 04:21:42PM @macaodha:

Luck dogs to have found you and Mark, and to have such nice tunes composed in their honour. Totally agree with Dusty's comment.

Robin Thompson
10/18/22 07:32:32AM @robin-thompson:

@dusty-turtle Thanks a bunch!  And I told Mark you like the runs he did.  I'm really lucky to get to make music with somebody who'll take a little tune and make us into a bona fide duet. heart

Dusty Turtle
10/18/22 01:23:25AM @dusty:

So nice. I can't think of many noter players who play with as much sensitivity as you do, Robin.  And please tell Mark I love the short filler runs he adds.  Very tasteful.

Robin Thompson
10/17/22 05:03:42PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, @dan -- same camera.  Maybe it was the late day lighting was better?  We're happy you liked the tune! 

10/17/22 03:44:14PM @dan:

Bravo! Did youin's get a new camera, the image seems so crisp?

Robin Thompson
10/17/22 03:00:02PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, thanks, @gordon-hardy !  BillyBoy is a little crazy dog who may or may not be pleased to hear this tune.  Ariel is the sensible dog yet we do not want BillyBoy to feel badly about being considered the crazy dog in the house.  :) 

Gordon Hardy
10/17/22 01:29:17PM @gordon-hardy:

You folks do such a lovely job. I love your porch music, I'm thinking that BillyBoy must be pleased to hear it as well.

Robin Thompson
10/17/22 11:08:27AM @robin-thompson:

@strumelia & @cynthia-wigington Thank you, friends, for listening and commenting!  We've been messing with this for months and finally made a little movie.  Since we already named a tune for our old rescue, Ariel, we decided we needed to honor our ornery rescue, BillyBoy, with a tune name.  (Both dogs had been strays yet now we're all lucky to have one another!) 

Cynthia Wigington
10/17/22 08:14:48AM @cynthia-wigington:

Listening to you two is an event. Moving song.

10/17/22 07:24:21AM @strumelia:

This one tugs at the heartstrings.