Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Route 155 Waltz on lap dulcimer in noter & drone style

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Duration: 00:02:36
Route 155 Waltz played in noter & drone style on a Jerry Rockwell-built small Kentucky hourglass dulcimer. This video will, I hope, let y'all hear the subtle sounds of this mountain dulcimer on this waltz. Dave Rogers, this is for you! :)NOTE: This is for comparison with the same tune Mark and I played together in another video. Feel free to NOT comment on both videos, friends! :)
Robin Thompson
10/16/12 01:57:41PM @robin-thompson:

You'd sure keep better time than I do, Randy! With my guitar player/metronome missing here, anyone trying to dance to my play of this tune might wreck. LOL

Randy Adams
10/15/12 10:19:25PM @randy-adams:

That's what it's all about right there Robin! I may hafta peck out a waltz or two you make it sound so good!

Robin Thompson
10/15/12 08:26:49PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, thank you, fellas! Dave, I feel as though I knew just what you meant when you said you preferred the solo audio recording. . .

In ways, this is not the same tune as Mark and I posted as a dulcimer/guitar duo. In the duo, something was lost from the mountain dulcimer. . . Some of what makes the mountain dulcimer unique was lost on the video where we played as a duo. To my mind, each version has its strengths & weaknesses. When I play with Mark, he's something of a 'live' metronome-- something I can use! (I don't keep timing even on the B part of the waltz.) And it's all good.

Jim Fawcett
10/15/12 01:23:43PM @jim-fawcett:

Once again, very nice tune and great playing on your part, Robin. Very nice.