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MORE Beginner strumming tips

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Duration: 00:06:29
Part of my series of YouTube instructional videos for beginning noter players.
01/16/10 10:14:31PM @strumelia:
Rebecca,there is no 'best' pick for strumming. Some people like harder picks and some like softer picks. Some people play hard and some softly. You have to experiment. That's the fun part though!Read my blog post on trying different homemade picks: softer pick will give more 'pick clack' sound, which some people dislike (I happen to love it myself).A harder pick can sound louder and clearer but be harder to keep a hold of.People with hand arthritis do well with more flexible picks.One thing you can bet on is that over time your taste in picks may change, and change back again....and you'll probably have very duifferent 'favorite picks' from time to time.