3 CHEERS to our Volunteer Greeters ...for making new members feel right at home :
Jim Fawcett |
Benjamin Barr |
Richard Streib |
Ken Longfield |
Membership in Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer is FREE to all. We gratefully accept donations towards the costs of maintaining this site- which includes hundreds of dollars annually in server and software costs. (you don't have to have a Paypal account to donate- Paypal accepts simple credit card payments as well.) A minimum donation of $5 please. Read HERE about FOUR different ways you can help support FOTMD. Questions? email Together we can keep FOTMD up and running! Click the Paypal button below to make a quick site donation:
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In return, your patronage will be recognized for a year with a special Patron designation banner that will be displayed prominently under your member picture on your profile page. Your Patron ID will show others your generosity in supporting this special site! Above is what the Patron label looks like on member profile pages, right under your member picture.
Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer is the most extensive site for Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer players and builders on the internet. Welcome!
Join Groups and Forum discussions that interest you, make new music friends. Share photos, music clips, and videos, resources for buying instruments, music, and learning materials. Ask your beginner questions and learn to play! All are welcome here no matter what your playing style, skill level, or musical tastes. Become a member of Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer (FOTMD) community -it's friendly and totally FREE!
After joining, please read the Site Rules before posting. You'll find your very own Member Profile Page by clicking on your name link at the top of any page. Click on different links to get familiar with where things are. Questions about using the site?- ask them HERE . You've come to exactly the right place to receive or give free help and encouragement in playing music. Here on FOTMD we all learn from each other as friends. Join our block party! -Strumelia