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Noter Style Beginner #7- Home made straps

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Duration: 00:09:33
Making simple braided dulcimer straps from ribbon, yarn, and buttons.
06/23/10 09:22:09AM @strumelia:
Diane, I love that you made some with fancy buttons! I used some antique large pearl buttons from my grandmother's old coat. Isn't it fun?
Robin Thompson
02/02/10 02:51:40PM @robin-thompson:
Lisa, thanks for putting this on a video! I've been using a section of the kind of bath/shower mat that goes in the tub to put on my lap under my dulcimers. (I bought the mat for this purpose and cut it into sections.) I like your strap idea better! I've got lots of buttons-- love old buttons especially!-- and am thinking I might crochet straps and use your button attachment idea for my 4 MDs that have no strap buttons. Thanks again!