Bob Reinsel


Location: Northern VA
Country: US

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Thanksgiving Song. Feast well!

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:50
Copyright 2017
Robert M Reinsel
Bob Reinsel
11/26/20 10:28:00AM @bob-reinsel:

Ha!  I kind of forgot about that one.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Ken Longfield
11/26/20 09:42:25AM @ken-longfield:

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront again, Lisa. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

11/26/20 08:54:22AM @strumelia:

Here's hoping FOTMD members have a warm cozy meal on Thankgiving today. Thanks Bob for a great song next to the crackling hearth!  music

12/01/17 11:32:39AM @strumelia:

Fruit and cheese is a classic combo, Bob... you're a gourmet even if you don't know it!

In Puerto Rico we used to serve slices of guava or papaya paste alongside farmer's 'white cheese' as an appetizer or dessert.  mmmm....

Bob Reinsel
12/01/17 08:44:22AM @bob-reinsel:

I actually like apple pie with strong sharp cheese (not melted), bur cheese doesn't rhyme very well with ham. :-)

Jan Potts
12/01/17 02:19:49AM @jan-potts:

Well, I'm a week late, but I really enjoyed this, too!

ps...I like my apple pie served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream (or butter pecan!).

11/30/17 11:46:51PM @irene:

THANKS SOOOOOOO MUCH....I think it would go good on the dulcimer too.  you had no worries about you being that close to the fire with you lovely guitar?   aloha, irene 

Dusty Turtle
11/30/17 08:12:23PM @dusty:

raspberry jam?  Come on! Everyone knows you have to melt cheddar cheese on your apple pie!

Very cool, Bob. Nice job!

Steve Battarbee
11/24/17 03:19:09PM @steve-battarbee:

Love it!!!

Lexie R Oakley
11/23/17 11:41:53AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Thanks for the fun song Bob! Enjoy your family today.

11/23/17 09:47:01AM @strumelia:

Vegetary-Anne... lol!

Great song, and a happy Thanksgiving to you Bob, and to all Fottmds!!  grphug