Christine Shoemaker


Location: Clawson, MI
Country: US

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youtube videos: 46

Keeping On - An Original laid back song.

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:15
An original...umm, Cowboy visits Tin Pan Alley in a smokey blues club, maybe? Kind of laid back. Played on a McSpadden 6-string baritone Mountain Dulcimer.
Christine Shoemaker
07/30/15 11:27:53AM @christine-shoemaker:

Lol Joe! Laugh  And thank you very much!  grin

Joe Hamilton
07/29/15 09:49:19AM @joe-hamilton:

Loved it. Leon Redbone kept trying to add vocals from the wings (of my mind).

Christine Shoemaker
07/24/15 09:34:46PM @christine-shoemaker:

Aww...that is so kind Sam.  blush   Thank you!  It's way cool of you to post that David - much appreicated!  coool

07/24/15 06:38:38AM @sam:

Goodness, such a talent! 

David Pedersen
07/23/15 07:16:39PM @david-pedersen:

Very cool.


Christine Shoemaker
07/22/15 11:24:26PM @christine-shoemaker:

I apprecaite that Lexie!  I guess it does have that kind of feel, doesn't it?  Now we just need Ken's harmonica, the smell of a campfire, and a star filled sky. this city girl, that sounds pretty darned good right about now!  whistle

Christine Shoemaker
07/22/15 10:56:56PM @christine-shoemaker:

Thanks Ken - I'm way onboard with the Harmonica!  yes    

Ken Backer
07/22/15 05:27:02PM @ken-backer:

Hi Chris, see my praise on Facebook

Lexie R Oakley
07/22/15 12:34:44PM @lexie-r-oakley:

YEAH, Chris this is the one that I couldn't find....LOVE IT, it very much fits my way of life on the prairie in Montana.

Thank you so much, it is great you did a re-do.

Christine Shoemaker
07/22/15 12:33:21PM @christine-shoemaker:


Back to the Baritone for this new one.  It's pretty laid back so the deeper voice seemed fitting to me.  The Dulciborn wasn't too happy with my choice so I let it hang out to be included in the shoot.  It's such a Diva!!!  makeup