Christine Shoemaker


Location: Clawson, MI
Country: US

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DavisJames Larry Walton Neil wdwolf Liza Combs S. Nicholson Pete Babechuk Elvensong dora71 Don Grundy sweetbriar Billy T Mary MacGowan Kevin R. LisaJr DianeL dadbgdg Blondie Kusani Jim Phillips sleepingangel dulcinina Salt Springs whocindylou Kevin Burns Charles Thomas Jan Craig Annie Deeley Monica Cat Brown David Pedersen Noah Aikens Lexie R Oakley Stephen Addison john lashley Greg Patterson Estes George Tumbleweed Ken Backer Lynn austin Steven Berger Steve Battarbee James Phillips Robert Worth Lois Sprengnether Keel Caleb Dan Bennett PDGotro Wayne Jiang Mandy Joe Hamilton


youtube videos: 46

When The Saints Go Marching In

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:49
A little kitchen music from the cottage...or maybe it's simply a touch of cabin fever. Lol! Happy spring, Bill!
Christine Shoemaker
04/10/18 08:20:50AM @christine-shoemaker:

Aww...thank you, Marc!  The facial expressions...lucky I'm not a poker player, right?!  Laugh

Christine Shoemaker
04/08/18 06:25:36PM @christine-shoemaker:

I certainly appreciate your kind words, Terry - thank you!  blush   But...old hat?  Not so much, my friend.  If only...  

Christine Shoemaker
04/08/18 06:19:37PM @christine-shoemaker:

Hi Joyce!  Thank you so much!  Unfortunately, I had to decline the invitation from the ODPC to perform this year.  Bummer!  I sure will miss seeing you and all of our musician friends.  sniffcry year, for sure!  thumbsup

Terry Wilson
04/08/18 02:30:17PM @terry-wilson:

Christine,  nice performance going on there.  Old hat for you, I'm guessing.

Thank you for sharing your vast talents 

Christine Shoemaker
04/07/18 11:08:54AM @christine-shoemaker:

That makes me very happy!  Thank you, Kevin!!!  sun

Christine Shoemaker
04/07/18 11:06:26AM @christine-shoemaker:

Thank you, John!  I have to admit, I was not familiar with "Thumbs" Carlyle so I looked him up.  Wow - what an incredible musician he was!  A real one-of-a-kind.  I love his style!  Thanks for telling me about him.  smile  

Lois Sprengnether Keel
04/06/18 11:05:59PM @lois-sprengnether-keel:

So that's what a Dulciborn is.  I'm not that far from I-75.  Shout loud enough & I might ask to see it close up.

Kevin R.
04/06/18 06:40:45PM @kevin-r:

This is great! So much fun. Your videos always make me tap my toes and smile.

Christine Shoemaker
04/06/18 06:18:08PM @christine-shoemaker:

Hi Lois!  Yes indeed, we are in close proximity, when I'm down state.  I spend quite a bit of time up north.  So, I pass right through your area then, right?  Next time I'll unroll the window (provided it's not sleeting & snowing) and shout out to you -  real loud so you can hear me over the 75 traffic.  Lol!  I'm with you on the percussion.  Maybe it's a Motown thing, huh?  winker   The instrument is a Dulciborn made by Gold Tone.  It's a hybrid.  A mountain dulcimer fretboard on the body of a Weissenborn style hollow neck guitar.  I have a lot of fun with it.  It certainly has racked up a bunch of miles as it goes north with me each and every time!  jive       

John Gribble
04/06/18 06:01:12PM @john-gribble:

How fun! You've got a great groove going there.

Watching the video, I thought about  guitar player "Thumbs" Carlyle, a "Nashville Cat" of the 1960s-70s. He played standard guitar, but in his lap, like a dulcimer or steel guitar. He was Roger Miller's guitar player when Miller had a TV show.


Lois Sprengnether Keel
04/06/18 04:52:38PM @lois-sprengnether-keel:

Wow!  I've been working on this same piece with variations, but that percussion track adds so much.   You're near me in the metro area (yeah, supposedly as of tomorrow summer's officially 75 days until it starts, but will settle for spring a.s.a.p.)!  Besides being electrified (& electrifying) what is your instrument officially called as it's more than a straight dulcimer.

Christine Shoemaker
04/06/18 03:53:54PM @christine-shoemaker:

Thanks so much, Ariane!  I really appreciate that.  smiler   Thank you, Dusty!  It was a fun way to combat my cabin fever.   krazy   It beat just sitting there and watching the snow ever so sloooowly pretending to melt.  Lol!      

04/06/18 12:11:07PM @ariane:

That's awesome!

Dusty Turtle
04/06/18 10:50:20AM @dusty:

Well how much fun is that!