Christine Shoemaker


Location: Clawson, MI
Country: US

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youtube videos: 46

Rainy Train

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:20
Rainy Train, an original tune for #playmusicontheporchday I am playing my Dulciborn Mountain Dulcimer with passive pickup, tuned B-f#-b and a One Man Band Suitcase drum, plus a Farmer Downbeat pedal with cymbal mount. Fun stuff!!! But the stormy weather...not so fun! 😱
12/05/21 02:07:24PM @davisjames:

Very cool blues!The tuning is interesting-is it common?I know I've seen Joni Mitchell play with the dulcimer tuned to a major chord.

Christine Shoemaker
09/06/21 07:10:43AM @christine-shoemaker:

Aww...thanks so much, @Kevin-R !  @Strumelia ... yes, seriously.  So thank you for planting that seed, my friend! flower   @Lois-Sprengnether-Keel - I am really glad you like it - thank you, my fellow Michigander!  sun   As to tempo, I tend to go the other way, darn it!  I have found that my feet are certainly NOT a reliable metronome.  Haha!  But it could be different for you.  It's worth a try, right?  Either outcome, it's still a lot of fun! drumroll jive         

Kevin R.
09/04/21 12:38:58PM @kevin-r:

I know it's the blues, but I am smiling. :) Good stuff!

Lois Sprengnether Keel
09/04/21 10:38:16AM @lois-sprengnether-keel:

WOW!  Love it, Christine AND I see you're just down the road here in Michigan!!  I have a terrrr'ble sense of rhythm -- everything's "Lento."  People shouldn't sing with me because I might not play the tempo 100%.  Would something like this help me  or make it worse?clap clapper thumbsup clap

09/04/21 07:53:05AM @strumelia:

Seriously?  Wow!  😀

Christine Shoemaker
09/03/21 08:53:44PM @christine-shoemaker:

Thanks so much, @Salt-Springs , @Dusty-Turtle, @Strumelia, and @Ethan-Chastain!  I thought you guys just might like the suitcase drum.  Lisa - really, it's all your fault.  You started me down this road with your foot tambourine vid a few years back.  Haha - yet...thank you!!!  happydance heartbeat  

Ethan Chastain
09/03/21 07:25:21AM @ethan-chastain:

Really cool Christine.  Nice playing and you make that 4 way independence look easy!

Dusty Turtle
09/02/21 11:59:27AM @dusty:

Best way to spend a stormy day that I can think of.  That's some nice blues there, Christine.

09/02/21 07:12:05AM @strumelia:

Just lovin this Christine.  red drummer jive

Salt Springs
08/29/21 02:40:22PM @salt-springs:

I love it when people think outside the box and come up with amazing stuff.............bravo!!

Christine Shoemaker
08/29/21 09:40:16AM @christine-shoemaker:

I have been wanting to show you all my OneManBand Suitcase Drum for awhile now but didn’t have any PD vids or originals I could post.   I finally have one, so now you can see the new (but old) toy!   BTW, heat and humidity sure bring out it’s musty odor.   Phew!   (Still worth it rain happydance  ) Â