Cindy Stammich


Location: South Bend, IN
Country: US

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Doxology on my Bill Taylor Dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:05
First, I just wanted to say that some years back, I found the wonderful FOTMD site while searching for any updates or information on Bill Taylor! It's amazing how these things work!

About my Bill Taylor "Taylormade" Dulcimer:
While visiting Gatlinburg in 1996, I stopped in a music shop down that way and asked about local dulcimer builders. They spoke highly of Bill Taylor's instruments, although they did not have any to show me. Well, after some serious thought, I parted with my black Fender guitar as a down payment for a dulcimer that would be built a couple of months down the road. When it finally arrived I was thrilled!

I had the opportunity to meet Bill at the 1st Annual KADC retreat! What a wonderful weekend - full of great people, great music and great food. Bill was one of the teachers that weekend - and he left a life-long impression on me.

I hope this humble attempt to dedicate a song to him will bless those who listen.

BJ Jordan
10/19/22 08:40:17AM @betty-bj-jordan:

Thank you for sharing this. I think Bill would have loved it. He's so very much missed here in TN.


Cindy Stammich
10/05/22 10:58:17PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much for your kind comments @strumelia :  This truly is a beautiful dulcimer and I am so happy to have it!

10/05/22 02:50:53PM @strumelia:

Beautifully played, on a lovely instrument.

What a wonderful tribute to Bill Taylor.

Cindy Stammich
10/03/22 10:47:44PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much  @john-w-mckinstry , @robin-thompson : @dusty-turtle :

I truly appreciate you listening and commenting, and hope each of you are blessed by it.

Dusty Turtle
10/03/22 11:46:45AM @dusty:

Beautiful. You certainly get that dulcimer to ring true.

Robin Thompson
10/03/22 08:40:30AM @robin-thompson:

Cindy, such a lovely tribute to a man about whom I have heard wonderful things!  

John W. McKinstry
10/02/22 10:41:26PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Yes, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow"...Your playing indeed was a prayer of gratitude. Thanks for showing your appreciation of Bill Taylor in this way.

Cindy Stammich
10/02/22 10:29:48PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much for listening and for the kind comments.  @ken-longfield : , @ethan-chastain, @randy-adams :  This was certainly from the heart - for a man that contributed so much to the dulcimer community.

Randy Adams
10/02/22 09:01:20PM @randy-adams:

Doxology tugs my heartstrings extry good playing Cindy and Bill Taylor was a genuinely good human being.

Ethan Chastain
10/02/22 08:24:38PM @ethan-chastain:

Love this! Beautiful playing, Cindy. Thank you for sharing.

Ken Longfield
10/02/22 08:05:11PM @ken-longfield:

Very nice Cindy. Well played.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."