Dusty Turtle


Location: Northern California
Country: USA

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Redwood Dulcimer Day 2024 (ONLINE!)

Redwood Dulcimer Day 2024 (ONLINE!)

Friday August 16 2024, 5:00 PM
@ Online
Attendees:  @Dusty Turtle@Regina_Garson@Steve Eulberg@Robin Thompson@MeganEleanor

The 24th Annual Redwood Dulcimer Day will be held Friday and Saturday, August 16-17, 2024 and will be ONLINE once again!  This year's instructors include Jessica Comeau , Katie Moritz , Colin Beasely , Nina Zanetti , Neal Hellman , Steve Eulberg , Janet Herman , and Dusty Thorburn .

A faculty concert will be held on Friday, August 16, and workshops on Saturday, August 17 will cover both mountain and hammered dulcimers for all skill levels. 

Santa Cruz was the center of a dulcimer renaissance in the 1970s, and now you can become part of that tradition, all from the comfort of your living room (or parlor, or porch, or . . . ).

RDD image for t shirt with no letters.jpg

For more information, please visit http://redwooddulcimerday.org/ .

Dusty Turtle
06/17/24 12:17:07PM @dusty:

Registration is now open for this fun and intimate, online event.  If you sign up for any of my workshops, let me know and you can help me choose some of the material we'll cover.