Gordon Hardy


Location: Woking, Alberta
Country: CA

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youtube videos: 84
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Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley

musician/member name: Entertainment
Duration: 00:03:02
A Hymn for Lent
Gordon Hardy
02/19/21 10:09:46AM @gordon-hardy:


Thank you, Gordon. That was lovely. Nina

It was my pleasure Nina, I love to strum and sing and I do appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.

Gordon Hardy
02/19/21 10:07:58AM @gordon-hardy:

Cynthia Wigington:

Thank you so much for this Gordon, it was peaceful on a cold snowy morning in Vermont.

So good to hear from you Cyn. Thank goodness we've almost made it through another winter. Don't get me wrong, I love the clean freshness of the snow and cold but February seems to go on forever, I glad it's not a leap year. LOL

02/19/21 09:46:31AM @dulcinina:

Thank you, Gordon. That was lovely. Nina

Cynthia Wigington
02/19/21 07:27:15AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you so much for this Gordon, it was peaceful on a cold snowy morning in Vermont.