Gordon Hardy


Location: Woking, Alberta
Country: CA

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#IADD The Leaving Shanty

musician/member name: Entertainment
Duration: 00:02:47
To mark the first ever International Appalachian Dulcimer Day March 26, 2022 here is my version of The Leaving Shanty played on a six string baritone mountain dulcimer.
Gordon Hardy
03/31/22 11:15:44AM @gordon-hardy:

@davisjames Thanks for listening Buddy, I have also heard it called Padstow Farewell Shanty, Cornish Farewell Shanty and Bristol Leaving Shanty. I'm sure there are lots of different names for this tune.

03/30/22 01:06:57PM @davisjames:

That's a great song.In all my years around shanties,sea songs,etc.,I've never heard it before.

Gordon Hardy
03/27/22 09:49:52PM @gordon-hardy:

@dulcinina Thank you Nina.

03/27/22 09:32:06AM @dulcinina:

Always enjoy your videos, Gordon.  You put such heart into your songs. Nina

Robin Thompson
03/26/22 04:48:53PM @robin-thompson:

It's quite chilly today here in OH US, too-- snow flurries off and on for awhile.  Yes, good to have the mountain dulcimers!  :)

Gordon Hardy
03/26/22 11:26:05AM @gordon-hardy:

@robin-thompson It's a cold and blustery one here today, good thing we have a couple of dulcimers to keep us warm inside. Happy International Appalachian Dulcimer Day to you!

Robin Thompson
03/26/22 10:10:24AM @robin-thompson:

Nicely played & sung, Gordon!  Wishing you a joyous International Appalachian Dulcimer Day there in your neck of the woods in Canada!