Gordon Hardy


Location: Woking, Alberta
Country: CA

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Miss McLeod's Reel

musician/member name: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:04:45
Originally a Scottish fiddle tune and popularized as an American folk song played here on my baritone six string dulcimer. I was inspired to dust this one off when I heard fellow FOTMD member DavisJames post his audio version of this old timer.
02/01/23 06:47:12PM @davisjames:

That's amazing.Emile Benoit in S.W.NL played this almost note for note it seems.Which begs the question,"How did a french-speaking Newfoundlander from the Port-au-Port learn it?No records,no TV-must have been the American air force base in Stephenville,50 miles away.All of these bases had their own radio stations and the locals listened in...I never connected Uncle Joe and Mrs.MacLeod's...I played the scots pipey version for years,unaware of the American versions..shows you how strong a melody can be...

Gordon Hardy
01/04/23 01:26:43PM @gordon-hardy:

@cynthia-wigington and  @john-w-mckinstry thank you for your kind words. I haven't posted music to the site for a while, hope I'm not too rusty. Happy New Year my friends!!

Cynthia Wigington
01/03/23 06:57:07AM @cynthia-wigington:

"(bananadance)" A wonderfully joyful way to begin the new year. Thank you Gordon.

John W. McKinstry
01/02/23 06:12:49PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thanks Gordon for putting a skip in my step by sharing this song. Happy New Year.