07/27/10 09:01:40PM @guy-babusek:
Hi Sue! When I get a bit of time I'll tab and post. Yes I've heard this one played very quickly. I prefer it at a more moderate tempo so the melody can be heard.
07/27/10 08:58:27PM @sue-simms:
Guy, could you tab and post . That is so lovely ! It being played slowly I could keep up.
Hi Sue! When I get a bit of time I'll tab and post. Yes I've heard this one played very quickly. I prefer it at a more moderate tempo so the melody can be heard.
Guy, could you tab and post . That is so lovely ! It being played slowly I could keep up.
Hi Judy, I didn't get it from a book. There may be some version of it in a book though, but I'm not aware of it.
Hi! I'm in cgc this tune.
How are u tuned?
THAT is a BEAUTIFUL song. I would LOVE to be able to play like that.
This sounds Great