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Bourrée à huit - Hummel

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:22
Peter Corser
10/31/20 02:19:24PM @peter-corser:

I think we do - I always enjoy your videos. 

10/31/20 10:45:15AM @strumelia:

Loving all this!  gangnam1 heartbeat

10/31/20 09:23:42AM @luigi:

Hello Peter, I think we have the same taste in music.

Peter Corser
10/31/20 08:39:22AM @peter-corser:

It would, of course, have been helpful had I actually put in the link!

Peter Corser
10/31/20 08:38:27AM @peter-corser:

Hello again Luigi - and everyone. I was looking for versions of this tune on youtube and came across this. I thought you might like it. The fruits of lockdown I suppose.

Peter Corser
10/31/20 08:03:58AM @peter-corser:

Nice tune, nicely played Luigi. And thank you for posting the tab.

10/29/20 11:46:41AM @luigi:

For all who are interested here are tabs. Not quite my version. Thanks to covid19 I had a lot of time and was able to finish the hummel.

Bourrée à huit.pdf  •  982KB

10/29/20 11:35:45AM @luigi:

Yes, Strumelia, you are right. Huit means eight. It's a bourree in 3/8 time. It's probably a bagpipe-piece, so it has this semitones.

10/29/20 11:09:46AM @strumelia:

Very pretty, Luigi!  I guess this traditional French piece translates to "Dance to Eight" or something close? Your recording lifted up my morning.  :)

By the way, It's a good example of how when playing early music and older folk tunes, you need both the 6 and the 6.5 fret... both the natural and the sharp note are put into as a recurring 'accidental'. Avoiding playing the accidental changes the overall feel of the tune too much, since it's often that note that gives the tune it's individual character. I find this happens a lot when playing really old medieval and Renaissance tunes.

Robin Thompson
10/29/20 09:28:13AM @robin-thompson:

Wow, Luigi, this is excellent!  So glad you posted this-- good to hear from you!