

Location: Villingen Germany
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Slängpolska efter Juringius - Hummel

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:43
2.Aufnahme mit Tonabnehmer und neuem Steg.

With pickup. Tuning: A - D - D - Dd - Aa - cc
05/04/21 05:20:40AM @luigi:

Hi Robin, thanks for your nice comments. I am always surprised by the full sound of the Hummel myself. 6 more strings and a different construction makes a big difference. A normal dulcimer sounds a bit pale against it.

Robin Thompson
05/03/21 09:41:09PM @robin-thompson:

Wow, Luigi, those bass drones add another layer of texture to the piece-- very cool. 

05/02/21 06:51:04PM @luigi:

The tuning is: A-D-D-Dd-aa-cc!!