

Location: Villingen Germany
Country: DE

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Emma´s Waltz Open Night Folkclub Villingen 2024

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:34
Ken Longfield
12/10/24 09:57:34AM @ken-longfield:

Thank you, Luigi, for sharing your performance at this wonderful event. It looks like everyone was enjoying themselves.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

12/10/24 05:19:59AM @luigi:

Thanks for the likes and the nice comments. I organized the open night in our folk club and was on stage myself. Unfortunately, I only played one piece with the dulcimer. I accompanied my son on the guitar for the rest of the pieces. The audience loved it, especially the fiddle playing....

Dusty Turtle
12/09/24 02:47:08PM @dusty:

A favorite tune of mine, and you two do a great job with it!

Robin Thompson
11/24/24 01:07:16PM @robin-thompson:

Wonderful!  What a treat it must've been to be in the audience!