Mark Gilston


Location: Cedar Park, TX
Country: US

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youtube videos: 80

Swedish Christmas songs

musician/member name: The Annoying Instrument Orchestra
Duration: 00:04:34
From the Mark Gilston and AIO January 2018 house concert in Austin Texas: The Annoying Instrument Orchestra plays a medley of Swedish Christmas favorites. The songs are Nu är det jul igen, Hej tomtegubbar, Räven raskar över isen, and Morsgrisar är vi allihopa.
For tabs, CDs, books, and Skype lessons, visit
12/27/18 11:55:23AM @strumelia:

Mark Gilston:

I have music and tab for the first two of them.  Send me an email address, and I'll send them to you.

I've sent you a PM, thanks Mark!

Dusty Turtle
12/27/18 11:49:59AM @dusty:


Ken Longfield
12/26/18 05:39:23PM @ken-longfield:

Very nice Mark. I enjoyed these tunes. Thanks for sharing them.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Mark Gilston
12/26/18 03:48:27PM @mark-gilston:


Oh Mark, I just LOVE this!  Each tune is completely delightful!

Do you by any chance offer standard notation sheet music, and/or dulcimer tabs to these four Swedish tunes?

I've got to attempt some of these on my epinettes and penny whistles!  red drummer

I have music and tab for the first two of them.  Send me an email address, and I'll send them to you.

12/26/18 12:34:15PM @strumelia:

The accordion player put me in mind of this festive fellow... perhaps a past life of his?   ;)

accordion man snowy.jpg

12/26/18 12:31:36PM @strumelia:

Oh Mark, I just LOVE this!  Each tune is completely delightful!

Do you by any chance offer standard notation sheet music, and/or dulcimer tabs to these four Swedish tunes?

I've got to attempt some of these on my epinettes and penny whistles!  red drummer