Friends, you are all so kind. Truly, I appreciate your taking the time to listen. The resurrection of this recording got me playing Elk River Blues this morning when I had a bit of a chance to play.
Friends, I'm happy you like the tune-- all I had to do was, as I've heard Don Pedi say, get out of the way of the tune.
At the following link, you can see a bit of history about the Carpenter family in West Virginia. In the final paragraph, you will see Sutton Dam mentioned. The flooding of family land was what inspired Ernie Carpenter to compose Elk River Blues.
That sound is the reason I'm trying to play n/d style more these days. Just playing since August '17 but the instrument has certainly come to dominate a large portion of my free time.
Friends, you are all so kind. Truly, I appreciate your taking the time to listen. The resurrection of this recording got me playing Elk River Blues this morning when I had a bit of a chance to play.
Robin, you play with such a sensitive touch. Not just on this tune, but all your playing. Its so expressive.
So beautiful, thank you for sharing
Thats the kind of sound that makes the MD so magical ! Great rendition of the tune. Thanks for posting.
Friends, I'm happy you like the tune-- all I had to do was, as I've heard Don Pedi say, get out of the way of the tune.
At the following link, you can see a bit of history about the Carpenter family in West Virginia. In the final paragraph, you will see Sutton Dam mentioned. The flooding of family land was what inspired Ernie Carpenter to compose Elk River Blues.
PS- Shelvin' Rock is a great tune, too! I need to see if I can work it out on mountain dulcimer someday.
Lovely Robin
Such a wonderful sound!!!
Just lovely, Robin! I can just picture one of the Ritchie girls playing that on the porch some summer night in Kentucky.
That sound is the reason I'm trying to play n/d style more these days. Just playing since August '17 but the instrument has certainly come to dominate a large portion of my free time.
Wow, what a beautifully expressive version of this on a very rich sounding dulcimer. I just love this tune and play it but not like that lol.
Robin, that's beautiful.
Very nice Robin, you have that lovely old timey touch.
Thank you for your kind comment, Dulcinina !
I'd forgotten all about this recording and I've been reminded what a special tune WV fiddler Ernie Carpenter composed.
Thanks for that tune, Robin. I love to hear you play and seeing you is even better. Dulcinina