Steve Battarbee


Location: Widnes,Cheshire
Country: GB

My Latest Followers:

Beth T Elvensong Mary MacGowan Kevin R. DianeL Redmando Blondie dulcinina Salt Springs Dan Charles Thomas Annie Deeley Bob Reinsel Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington jeffrey charles foster Ken Backer Steven Berger James Phillips Patty from Virginia Jan Potts Rob N Lackey John Keane Alan Thompson john p John C. Knopf Jack Ferguson Bill S Dusty Turtle John Henry Robin Thompson


vimeo videos: 7
videos: 18
audio tracks: 6

dawning of the day

streams: 6
video file: 10MB, 00:01:22

Steve Battarbee
04/30/14 04:02:22PM @steve-battarbee:

Thanks Robin

Robin Clark
04/30/14 12:57:14PM @robin-clark:

Oh I like that Grin.gif

Steve Battarbee
04/26/14 10:26:21AM @steve-battarbee:
Thanks x2 For the advice John
john p
04/26/14 10:16:39AM @john-p:

Hi Steve, pleased to see you got the tune down Smile.gif

Give it a try 3 frets higher up the fretboard and see how you get on.

Lakes of Ponchitrain is a good follow up ...
Your starter for ten - 33 87 8 5475

Steve Battarbee
04/26/14 08:44:16AM @steve-battarbee:
Hey Dave. Never let it be said I back down from a challenge!I was wondering what to do next as I like to try and learn a new tune every week if I can so why not this!I hope if I accept this mission my iPhone will not no self destruct!!
Dave Ismay
04/26/14 06:10:52AM @dave-ismay:

Steve as they used to say on 'Mission Impossible' ... Here is your challenge should you choose to accept it!

or listen to Paul Brady in 1977Smile.gif

Patty from Virginia
04/25/14 08:39:48PM @patty-from-virginia:

Steve, that's real prettySmile.gif First time through the video kept buffering. I'm not sure why but on the replay everything was fine. Thanks for posting.

Steve Battarbee
04/25/14 06:50:34PM @steve-battarbee:
Thanks very much John and John H and Dave also. I listened to quite a few versions which may be way it might sound a bit like none of them! :-) I guess that's a good thing?I'll take your comments as a compliment anyway !Glad you could sing along!
John Henry
04/25/14 06:23:56PM @john-henry:
Yep, me too ! Kept hearing some 'pipes' in there somewhere ! Leaps and bounds Steve, keep 'em coming !
John Keane
04/25/14 06:23:38PM @john-keane:

Well done, Steve!

Dave Ismay
04/25/14 06:15:17PM @dave-ismay:
I really enjoyed that and found myself singing along even though your version is very different to most of the others I have heard.