

Location: Germantown, NY
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Eiji Higuchi RobMachin Neil Elliott LaughingMoose Sea Strings MelSabol Mary_Adelee selkiestrummer Chaplain Peter Bvmaestro colindaguthrie Beth T squeakyhawk chadritchie ccyahwehslady AndiBear Susan Ann MandaPanda jost Holly Tannen ocean-daughter stephenericberry Wendell G Cheryl W NateBuildsToys Big Bubba oldmdpicker sparrowbirdy dano Ferrator Lancer JCM DulcimerBill Becky Liza Combs Lisa TwoGunBob Noah Cline hstulips tssfulk Hobbyhorse haydee025 PatG Ron Zuckerman Elvensong Exukaden Ariane dtortorich fordferguson Sue MacKenzie - ADK Friends


Pages: 1
Blogs: 7
youtube videos: 33
images: 86
Groups: 34
videos: 1


Challenged Players

Challenged Players

Members: 75
Description: A meeting place for players dealing with disabilities.
NorthEastern U.S. dulcimer players

NorthEastern U.S. dulcimer players

Members: 58
Description: For those of us who live in the northeastern United States.
Virginia Dulcimer Players

Virginia Dulcimer Players

Members: 57
Description: Just thought it would be neet to know how many other dulcimer players were from Virginia here.
Private Group Prayers, Hugs, and Kindness

Prayers, Hugs, and Kindness

Members: 55
Description:  A group for private sharing and support, whether you are in need of prayers, hugs, or kind...
Private Group
Texas Dulcimer Enthusiasts

Texas Dulcimer Enthusiasts

Members: 46
Description: Howdy ya'll! Come on by for a cup o' joe and jammin. Beginners to advanced may sit in and share,...
6 string dulcimers

6 string dulcimers

Members: 46
Description: Owning and playing a 6 string, regardless of tuning, and issues when considering acquiring (or...
Kentucky Dulcimer Players

Kentucky Dulcimer Players

Members: 41
Description: A group for any players from Kentucky where we can meet one another and share news about local...
West Virginia players

West Virginia players

Members: 37
Description:  A group just for dulcimer players in beautiful West Virginia! FOTMD member RN(Rob) Lacky is the...
Florida Sunshine Dulcimer Group

Florida Sunshine Dulcimer Group

Members: 33
Description: Florida Dulcimer Players
FOTMD on the Road

FOTMD on the Road

Members: 32
Description:  Are your traveling, on vacation, on your way to a festival....and want to meet up with other...
 / 4