

Location: Germantown, NY
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

jet3rry gerardo1000 Eiji Higuchi RobMachin s11141827 Neil Elliott LaughingMoose Sea Strings MelSabol Mary_Adelee ChcknJ selkiestrummer Chaplain Peter Bvmaestro colindaguthrie Beth T squeakyhawk chadritchie ccyahwehslady AndiBear Susan Ann MandaPanda jost Holly Tannen ocean-daughter stephenericberry Wendell G Cheryl W Nate Big Bubba oldmdpicker sparrowbirdy dano Ferrator Lancer JCM DulcimerBill Becky Liza Combs Lisa TwoGunBob Noah Cline hstulips tssfulk Hobbyhorse haydee025 PatG Ron Zuckerman Elvensong Exukaden


Blogs: 5
youtube videos: 33
images: 86
Groups: 34
videos: 1


Public Domain... or Not?

Public Domain... or Not?

Members: 151
Description:  Ever wanted to record or post that tune, but you just can't find whether it's a traditional,...
Dulcimer Therapy

Dulcimer Therapy

Members: 148
Description: This group is dedicated to those that visit, or have a desire to visit, Nursing Homes, Retirement...
Dulcimer teachers

Dulcimer teachers

Members: 129
Description: Do you teach dulcimer? Are you helping others to learn?
Dulcimer Ancestors

Dulcimer Ancestors

Members: 126
Description: Looking at some of the ancestors of the Mountain Dulcimer, like the Citera, Langspil, Hummel,...
Stick Dulcimers/Strumsticks

Stick Dulcimers/Strumsticks

Members: 123
Description: Regardless of what name you favor, this group is a special meeting place for folks who love any...
Chromatic Dulcimers

Chromatic Dulcimers

Members: 108
Description: For players who enjoy playing dulcimers with ALL the frets!
Box Dulcimers

Box Dulcimers

Members: 107
Description:  A group for those who play, make, or admire all types of BOX dulcimers! If you'd like to tell...
Civil War era music

Civil War era music

Members: 95
Description: For discussing music that was played around the time of the American Civil War (1861-1865)....


Members: 94
Description: Do you play gigs? Tell us about your good and not-so-good gig experiences performing for others....
Scrap/Recycled wood Dulcimer Challenge

Scrap/Recycled wood Dulcimer Challenge

Members: 80
Description: A group for those thrifty and creative folk who like to make dulcimers from wood recycled or...
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