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BeginnerVideo#10 Rhody1

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Duration: 00:09:37
Part 1 of 4 on Go Tell Aunt Rhody.
10/05/12 07:19:37AM @strumelia:

Mick, I'm so glad! Thanks for taking the time to let me know.

Robin Thompson
09/21/10 03:21:27PM @robin-thompson:
Sam,Strumelia's strumming video is invaluable. Good rhythm/strumming is 95% of good dulcimer play, I think. I'm always working on it-- and hope I always will be! Smile.gif You CAN learn to play mountain dulcimer! (I'd bet you're already doing it. Smile.gif )
09/21/10 12:40:15PM @sam:
Thank you Robin;I have watched some of Strumelia's video's. I'm beginning to think though, that I may need a real dulcimer to practice on or at least confrimation that my home made one is 'close enough' not to let or make me form some bad habits or conceptions. At any rate, I'm having fun and do have confidence that I CAN learn to play some basic songs on the mountain dulcimer.Thanks so much for your guidance.Sam'l
Robin Thompson
09/21/10 10:58:16AM @robin-thompson:
Sam,If you've not yet seen Strumelia's earlier instructional videos, you'll want to check them out-- very helpful!Have fun!
09/21/10 06:21:37AM @sam:
Strumelia;This video set may be the determining factor of me learning to play a musical instrument. I did make a dulcimer of sorts and I inadvertantly remembered this tune when trying to find something (anything) pretty easy to play. It is working. I use 'Aunt Rhody' as my warm up exercise now. I still can't get all the way through without messing up, but I'm getting there. This video set will be invaluable to me. I am still practicing Bobby's rendition of When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder as well. I just found this series of video's and can't wait to get home from work this evening to sit and practice with you.What a wonderful gift.ThanksSam'l
09/20/10 02:18:49PM @strumelia:
Thanks so much Jennifer, your comment lets me know I'm getting done what I set out to do.That's me all right,... Lisa "Assume Nothing" Johnson. LOL!