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Beginner STRUMMING tips

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Duration: 00:06:43
Choosing strum direction and practicing your first strumming rhythms.
01/08/16 11:52:05AM @strumelia:

I'm glad you found it helpful, Kusani!

01/08/16 10:12:21AM @kusani:

Lisa, simple and just what I was looking for as a pure novice. :)

01/06/10 12:12:10PM @strumelia:
Yes Andy, one must be willing to give up one's very life in order to be One with the Drone.Tip: stay away from Deep Water and hide any wee pen knives.
Randy Adams
01/06/10 11:25:19AM @randy-adams:
This is a good thing you are doing here Lisa.
01/05/10 04:19:07PM @strumelia:
Thanks Bill! :) I will do more!Your comment has disappeared because I deleted my video and then reposted it, to fix something....sorry!
Bill Lewis
01/05/10 04:12:33PM @bill-lewis:
I thought i left a comment but i guess i didn't. Lisa, thank you for doing your video's and i'll be looking forward to the next one. :)