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Muted strumming rhythm practice- fun!

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Duration: 00:07:50
Many new players understandably concentrate so hard on not making wrong notes that they tend to overlook trying to improve their strumming rhythms.Here is a way to really IMPROVE your strumming rhythm without driving others crazy! Try muted rhythm strums, it's actually fun! Includes some varied strum rhythms to practice.
Robin Thompson
02/23/10 07:23:54PM @robin-thompson:
I should only post tunes played when using a dulcimer mute! At least a dulcimer mute is cheaper than what an old sock in the back of a banjo cost when the sock was new and had a mate. :)
02/23/10 06:50:53PM @strumelia:
Robin- funny! :DHey thanks guys, your nice words mean a lot to me.I had a lot of fun doing this one- didn't have to worry about playing wrong notes at all! ;DI should do all my videos this way maybe! ;)
Robin Thompson
02/23/10 06:38:19PM @robin-thompson:
Another fine PSA to the dulcimer world, Strumelia!The importance of keeping good rhythm is misunderestimated :) by many dulcimer players. I'm not the best rhythm keeper around and I flub notes, too-- just trying to cover all the bases with my mistakes. :)
Randy Adams
02/23/10 05:45:37PM @randy-adams:
That's a horses foot in gravel! (Doc Watson) These are good movies ur makin' here Lisa. Thx!