How Great Thou Art

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:36
Duration: 00:03:36
Instead of a Halloween video, I think I would rather just take time to appreciate the beauty of the fall season. It’s different for me this year but the Creator’s paint brush never ceases to awe and humble, right? I find it impossible to look around me and not hear the song “How Great Thou Art”. I hope I am able to adequately express some of the reverence I feel so that I may share my wonderment with you, my friends. Wishing you a marvelous Autumn…oh yes, and a Happy Halloween too!
That is very kind of you, @Dusty-Turtle - thank you so much!
Listening again, Christine, to your beautiful rendition of this hymn. Your patient playing offers the serenity we all need amidst the chaos that surrounds us.
Thank YOU, @Daniel-L !
Beautiful music and video
, thanks !
I sure do appreciate you watching and your very kind comment, @john-Gribble ! Thank you, John!
Gorgeous music, gorgeous video. Thank you.
Aww...thank you, @Dusty-Turtle ! I like how you think...that sure would have been a great comedic spin!
Hi, Terry! Thanks so much!
Beautiful playing, Christine. Truly moving. What a deep, rich, round voice that dulcimer has, too.
Its funny, but whenever you appear again in the video I expect a few leaves to be on your lap and shoulders. Maybe by the end you'd be completely covered. Ha!
Christine, that was so pretty.
Thanks so very much, @Ariane !
Sooo wonderful and soothing, Chris!
Thank you, @Irene ! Fall is my favorite too! You are correct, a baritone made by Folkcraft. There is a cable but it's not showing up on the perspective shot as it got cut off. Apparently, when you use the video stabilization feature in iMovie, it analyzes and then crops your shot. Who knew? Not me...until now. Lol! It's all one big and fascinating learning process, isn't it, my very astute friend?
Thank you, @Dan!
It makes me happy that you liked it @Kevin-R - thank you! Indeed on the Creator's work!
You're picking up a Caribbean vibe, @Steven-Berger? I find that fascinating! Thanks so much for watching and for sharing your impressions!
It makes me happy that you found it up-lifting, @Gordon-Hardy. Thank you!
You are incredibly kind and generous, @Salt-Springs!!! I appreciate that more than you could know. Thank you, my friend!
I love it, Christine. Such wonderful playing and great job with the video. And yes, our Creator does wonderful work. Thank you.