Cindy Stammich


Location: South Bend, IN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Elvensong dora71 Ariane terry ritchey JenniferC Kevin R. hugssandi dulcinina Salt Springs Dan Charles Thomas Larn Werner Monica Cat Brown Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Gary McNaughton Don Kemper Ginney Camden Maxspop jeffrey charles foster John W. McKinstry Greg Patterson Tumbleweed Mr. Phil Mcdaniel Ken Backer Lynn austin Jessica Comeau James Phillips Gordon Hardy Terry Wilson Patty from Virginia Mandy Jan Potts Ken Longfield Phil Myers


youtube videos: 31
images: 49
videos: 1

Practice with my Grandsons!

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:28
Practicing at lunch for the Osceola Bluegrass Festival with my grandsons - Mitchell, Tommy & Dylan! Needs some work - but I am having a blast! Keep a pickin'...
Macy Jayne
03/15/13 11:14:55PM @wendy-coons-karrasch:


Rob N Lackey
03/06/13 05:14:56AM @rob-n-lackey:

Y'all done good there. Nice to have a percussion section on some tunes!

Dana R. McCall
03/05/13 11:38:41AM @dana-r-mccall:

Great Job guys!

Karen Keane
03/04/13 06:53:00PM @karen-keane:
You guys are having too much fun. That brought a smile to my face.
Robin Clark
03/03/13 11:38:15PM @robin-clark:

Excellent Grin.gif What a fun time together!!!

Patty from Virginia
03/03/13 09:36:14PM @patty-from-virginia:

You all did a great jobSmile.gif 41.gif

Robin Thompson
03/03/13 07:27:25PM @robin-thompson:
Cindy, y'all are having fun, sounding good, and making memories-- wonderful!