Cynthia Wigington


Location: Fairlee, VT
Country: US

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Backyard Dulcimer, Trials, Troubles, Tribulations

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Duration: 00:06:04
3 string, no extra frets, just intonation Backyard Cardboard dulcimer strung DGd, here tuned CGc. Love sitting outside strumming on this, and pretty much tak...
Cynthia Wigington
04/26/15 05:20:42PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks so much Helen, it's one of my favorite songs now, since I learned it from John Henry, that maven of all things dulcimer. You'd love that Backyard no 6.5, just intonation. Strange but lately it's all I'm playing. I think the just is healing. You just need one more just...I'm getting Robert Schuler's new one, he has it in the forum under My New Just Intonation dulcimer. He is very nice to deal with. I ordered it on chat! You'll hear it soon I think. You take care of yourself...we need you.

Cynthia Wigington
04/22/15 11:08:40PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks, Maiine-iac, have fun tomorrow.

Ben Barr Jr
04/22/15 10:40:01PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Nice Job Vermont.Smile.gif Smile.gif

Cynthia Wigington
04/22/15 11:59:24AM @cynthia-wigington:

Carrie thank you so much, that's just what I was aiming for, and so good to see you on here. You should hear it with a quill. I love it all whiney and old sounding like that. I'd love to play it at Cade's Cove, LOL.

Cynthia Wigington
04/21/15 09:56:23PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you John, should have been a used car salesperson, would have made more money at it, LOL

John W. McKinstry
04/21/15 06:25:27PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thank you Cynthia. I loved your presentation. Your enjoyment of what you are doing is contagious.

Ken Backer
04/19/15 09:27:07AM @ken-backer:

Cynthia, I know your part of the world really got hit this year, and I feel for you all. Maybe a traveling preacher man could have come through spouting fire and brimstone, might have melted off the snow..

Cynthia Wigington
04/19/15 09:22:11AM @cynthia-wigington:

Glad you enjoyed it Ken. Still have the 3 foot high bank from what fell off the roof, but yesterday the peepers sang for the first time this spring so it is verily here...lawd what a looooong hard winter here. Coldest March on record.

Ken Backer
04/19/15 09:12:19AM @ken-backer:

Nice going there, Cynthia. At first, by the title, I thought you were refering to the trails and tribulations of playing the dulcimer in your backyard while sitting in the snow...Grin.gif

Cynthia Wigington
04/19/15 08:27:57AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks Terry. I got the words and tune from John Henry playing it. Link below. Have fun if you try it.

Terry Wilson
04/19/15 08:25:04AM @terry-wilson:

So pretty Cynthia.

Cynthia Wigington
04/18/15 06:39:09PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks for listening and the nice comments Greg, now listen to the link I put up to JH doing it.

Cynthia Wigington
04/18/15 06:36:53PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you John Henry, and for the rest of you, here is his lovely version that inspired me. Must be he has a fountain in the background.

No TMB this, and I can't play like you, but you are an on-going source of light.

Greg Patterson
04/18/15 06:34:11PM @greg-patterson:

Cynthia, love the way your voice & the dulcimer work together on this one!

John Henry
04/18/15 06:27:10PM @john-henry:

I thought that I had heard this somewhere

thanks for sharing Cy

Cynthia Wigington
04/18/15 02:17:10PM @cynthia-wigington:

Oh my Gordon thanks for the kind words. I wish I had a hundred of these things to give away at Halloween with a month of lessons included. John Henry did a fabulous version of this, and that's where I got it, listening to his.

Lexie being a dog person, I love to hear he's humming along, and that he enjoys Gordon's singing as well, yes, a compliment indeed.

Gordon Hardy
04/18/15 01:05:24PM @gordon-hardy:

Great old timey sounding tune, thanks for strumming, singing and promoting. If there ever was an ambassador for the mountain dulcimer, it is you.

Lexie R Oakley
04/18/15 01:04:54PM @lexie-r-oakley:

I don't often comment that Smiley dog sings with video's cause I don't want folks to take it as an insult, It certainly isn't. He has always liked singing to music and it is a great compliment and I am glad you see it as such.

When I have the energy to dance, Smiley has also been known to dance with me, he is a fabulous partner!69.gif

Cynthia Wigington
04/18/15 11:59:32AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Lexie and Smiley. I know he doesn't often sing along with women. The fun factor rates high on my list, and I have to admit I keep picking this one up. and that with a number of decent wood ones around.

Lexie R Oakley
04/18/15 11:28:34AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Really nice Cynthia, Smiley and I love it when you sing to us.41.gif

That "Backyard" dulci really is great.