Cynthia Wigington


Location: Fairlee, VT
Country: US

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Backyard Dulcimer Dog Pen videos #1 Just a Rose

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Duration: 00:06:22
Just Backyard tuned DAd, playing Just a Rose will Do. Greta does have a shady spot but is panting in the sun instead. Thanks for watching. Should have called...
Cynthia Wigington
05/10/15 08:06:01PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks so much Steve, I enjoy your videos as well.

Steve Battarbee
05/10/15 05:45:26PM @steve-battarbee:

Real nice singing and playing Cynthia

Cynthia Wigington
05/10/15 01:44:50PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Ken. The funny thing is, as I sit there and sing and play with Greta, we are looking out at beautiful nature, so next time I'll turn the camera around.

Ken Backer
05/10/15 01:30:32PM @ken-backer:

This is just great, Cynthia. What wonderful concept. And so glad summer hit your way, not a drop of snow in sight. Oh, and very fine singing and playing.

Cynthia Wigington
05/08/15 10:10:09PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Gail, next time I'll show you the view of what we see sitting there.

Gail Webber
05/08/15 08:19:38PM @gail-webber:

Very nice, Cynthia. Glad to see you and Greta enjoying some sunshine after that long cold winter!

Cynthia Wigington
05/08/15 08:39:37AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks TW, trying to get it across to just grab a dulcimer, sing along, have some fun. Anyone who wants to write a Dog Pen song can - warning though - keep it clean!

Cynthia Wigington
05/08/15 08:37:36AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Lynn, I love that song. I know you are busier than a billy-goat with? some expression, gone now. Having great fun afar with that Finnish lady.

Lynn austin
05/08/15 07:38:51AM @lynn-austin:
That was absolutely lovely Cynthia....I see Greta enjoyed it too....
05/07/15 07:56:48PM @tumbleweed:

Hi Cynthia:

That was so beautiful and relaxing to hear. Your version is probably the best one I have heard. Thanks for sharing your talents.


Cynthia Wigington
05/07/15 06:15:38PM @cynthia-wigington:

No roses yet Gordon, lol, but we are getting leaves today...yeah, you're a ray of sunshine too!

Gordon Hardy
05/07/15 06:07:12PM @gordon-hardy:

Thank you Cynthia for that sweet rendition. It's so nice to see you enjoying the sunshine after enduringthat fierce winter. When I first opened your video, I thought your rose garden was blooming already but then realized that I was seeing you and Greta in the sunshine.

Cynthia Wigington
05/07/15 03:36:24PM @cynthia-wigington:

LOL Ben, or who kept the dulcimer player in? Glad you enjoyed the song. Thanks for listening.

Ben Barr Jr
05/07/15 12:42:17PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Nice job. Reminds me of the song "Who let the dogs out?"Grin.gif

Cynthia Wigington
05/07/15 12:14:24PM @cynthia-wigington:

We both have a good friend I guess, she likes to get out there earlier, snuffle all the animals, I drink coffee and play.

Lexie R Oakley
05/07/15 12:08:23PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Greta has a good friend to have hanging with her playing lovely music.

The song reminds me of my best friend.Smile.gif