Cynthia Wigington


Location: Fairlee, VT
Country: US

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Schuler Butternut Dulcimer Review/Parting Hand Sacred Harp #62

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Duration: 00:07:45
Robert Schuler Butternut dulcimer, 4 string, +6 fret w/mahogany strap buttons review tuned DAd. Parting Hand, Sacred Harp tune #62, here's the tab for DAd: 0...
Cynthia Wigington
05/23/15 03:35:26PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Robin. I think you'd like the sound of his just intonated one even better!

Robin Thompson
05/23/15 11:32:05AM @robin-thompson:
I love the sound and looks of that dulcimer, Cynthia!
Gail Webber
05/14/15 09:10:16PM @gail-webber:

That dulcimer sounds very nice, Cynthia. I was getting very tempted to buy it.

Cynthia Wigington
05/13/15 09:55:22PM @cynthia-wigington:

You're welcome Patty, glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad Paul wanted the tab for it, I hadn't heard of it and grabbed my book, played it, tabbed it (wrong) played it (wrong) found out from Rob it was (wrong) corrected the tab last night DAA, then today played it right DAd. Anyway, now we have a new Sacred Harp tune eh?

Patty from Virginia
05/13/15 07:33:40PM @patty-from-virginia:

Cynthia, that is a pretty one. Thanks for sharing Sacred Harp tunes with us.Smile.gif

Cynthia Wigington
05/13/15 06:33:16PM @cynthia-wigington:

The question that makes sense is, "Do you have enough dulcimers?" The answer is I need just one more, a mean tone one. Yes I have a few and I play them all, hey no kids, maybe it's my last hurrah before senior housing or a nursing home takes what I have left. I decided I needed one good chair, and some instruments. You take care of yourself now.

05/13/15 04:45:30PM @strumelia:

Hah! well, sometimes maybe a certain amount of ignorance could be bliss!

"lovely stretched goat-skin sound"...that has a nice ring to it!

Cynthia, do you have a lot of dulcimers?

Cynthia Wigington
05/13/15 03:25:35PM @cynthia-wigington:

Oh Lisa, just wait til your next banjo video - I'm thinking "lovely stretched goat-skin sound"? Thank you, but some of these babies are going to have to hurry up and grow up and leave home. Glad I don't have to feed them. Greta packed her things when the new one hit the couch, saying, "Outta here, that's the last string!" If you only knew what went on behind the scenes here to keep harmony on the site...we do love you and this site.

05/13/15 12:54:26PM @strumelia:

What a lovely wooden sound!

(lol ...just kiddin' !)

Sounds great Cynthia, have fun with your new baby!

Cynthia Wigington
05/13/15 12:10:39PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks Ben, the DAd tab is on yt, but hopefully Jim will post his here too.

Ben Barr Jr
05/13/15 12:00:13PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Lovely wood and sound. Fortunately, I did not mistype that statement or it would have been lovely wooden sound. Grin.gif

Cynthia Wigington
05/13/15 11:58:27AM @cynthia-wigington:
Thank you Lexie, no doubt Schuler builds a fine instrument. And I like the size.
Lexie R Oakley
05/13/15 11:30:17AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Another gorgeous Dulcimer for you and lovely song.

I do love the ring of my butternut also, it is very peaceful for me to play.Smile.gif