Careless Love, Kala Waterman Uke

musician/member name: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:03:27
Duration: 00:03:27
Just got this nifty soprano uke and a friend requested Careless Love, so here it is. Come with a nice backpack gig bag, which is a bit rare for the sopranos, and I love it. Here I have it slack-tuned a bit for my voice. About a half-step down.
Thank you so much Gordon. You have no idea how much your sweet comment is a blessing at this time.
I visited the site this morning and saw John's comment and had to give a listen. What a blessing to hear your sweet voice singing this lovely old standard. Thank you!
Thank you for this sweet comment John.
Thanks for singing this song beautifully. It reminded me that
although people like Jean Ritchie played the dulcimer and other
instruments, the greatest instrument of these folks was their voice.
Thanks Nigel, glad you liked it.
Thank you, that was lovely !
i love your new ukulele and good song thanks for shareing
You knew the ukulele and banjolele were my fav instrument s
Thank you Dulcinea, I love that one too, and believe i also play it on dulcimer. You have fun with that one.
Hey Cynthia, I just watched your video of Careless Love. I love that song and you sang it so nicely. Now I want to learn it on the dulcimer. Nina aka Dulcinina
Gosh thanks Jennifer - you have no idea how much I'd love that. Lately I'm playing a lot of guitar. Bit lonely music wise here in freezing Vermont.
Cynthia, I just loved it. Thanks so much. I just did an arrangement of this song for the Mt. Dulcimer, but I'm going to revise it with some of your words you sang.
John thank you so much. I appreciate it more than you know especially today.
I couldn't figure out how to comment back, had surgery a few days ago and I guess my brain is not online yet. These were the words in the Daily Ukulele book. Like all these old songs, there are probably many versions, but this is the one I found and it worked for me. Take care of yourselves and let me know when you post yours
Cynthia, I just loved it. Thanks so much. I just did an arrangement of this song for the Mt. Dulcimer, but I'm going to revise it with some of your words you sang.
Thanks Terry and all of you for your kind kind comments. Appreciate you all listening.
Hi Cynthia
I just listened and watched your video from 10 months ago. Brought a huge smile to my face. I love everything about the video. You are just a natural.
One of a kind my friend.
Hope you're doing well.
This uke is a cool survival tool too, one of the 10 C's - container - I do believe it holds water. Never leave home without one. Again thanks for all the sweet comments...
Thanks for all the nice comments folks - I don't know how to use this site anymore and didn't know the rest of you commented. Sorry for the delay in thanking you.
Real nice singing and playing Cynthia
like the invisible uke too!
Love it love it love it! Awesome Cynthia!
(Hmm...are you 'wearing your apron high' these days Cynthia..? Too much careless love?)
Cynyhia I enjoyed this video too. I think you are getting better all the time. realy liked these last two. nice uke and shirt too. can't wait for your next one.