Hi all. I was just having fun re-reading this thread...I think I call mine the herd, though perhaps I should say the flock, because I tend to give them bird names...
What to call your dulcimer collection?
2 years ago
46 posts
Dusty Turtle
2 years ago
1,769 posts
Hi @lilley-pad, and welcome to FOTMD. My main, go-to dulcimer is a McCafferty. (It's an older one with a standard piezo pickup but without the humbucker and MIDI interface he uses on the new Seifert model.) I love it. Great sustain. Great volume. Big round tone. The fingerboard is very responsive to your left hand. When I first got it a few years ago, I found the strings to be too far apart for comfortable flatpicking and had to make some custom adjustments, but Terry now uses a special bridge that allows you to adjust the distance between the strings.
However, if you want to continue this conversation, perhaps you could start a new discussion on McCafferty dulcimers in the Discuss Specific Features, Luthiers and Instruments Forum .
Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator
As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Lilley Pad
2 years ago
31 posts
Don't know if this is the right forum site. But here goes first Howdy all. Any one have experience with a McCafferty dulcimer I know that they're beautiful and I like his adjustable nut design very innovative. But what about tone play ability sound?
Ken Longfield
2 years ago
1,191 posts
What fun to revive this thread. I remember many years ago going to Bryan Bowers concert and he walked on stage with a stack of autoharps all tuned for different kep=ys and songs. He spread them out behind him on the stage in those triangular shape guitar stands. He turned to the audience and asked what you call a group of autoharps like this and then answered his own question: an embarrassment of autoharps. I've never been embarrassed by all my dulcimers.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Sea Strings
2 years ago
6 posts
I have said for many years that I can be having a bad day, and a little time with one of my dulcimers just makes it better!
A meditation of dulcimers? A therapy of dulcimers?
updated by @sea-strings: 09/12/23 11:19:27AM
Cindy Stammich
2 years ago
69 posts
Lorilee - I like that a lot! I have said for many years that I can be having a bad day, and a little time with one of my dulcimers just makes it better!
Stable. Horses. All good 😀
Ken Hulme
2 years ago
2,157 posts
Mine! Mine! That's Mine. That too! Mine. Mine!
John Henry
12 years ago
258 posts
An 'Indulgence' of dulcimers ?
Ken Backer
12 years ago
31 posts
Hi All
ah... how about Onetoomany...
I just havea singleplain three string dulcimer with wooden tuning pegs.. not much of a collection!
Cheers Ken
Ken Longfield
12 years ago
1,191 posts
I have around a dozen dulcimers. I just call them "my" dulcimers.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Paul Certo
12 years ago
242 posts
I call them "the big one, and the little one." But daughter Marianne calls the big one "Chupacabra." Those with a large herd might need a term for the group, but I guess a single word could stand for a variable number. 30 cattle are a herd, 100 cattle are still a herd. 12 would be a dozen, 13 a luthiers dozen. 20 would be a score. Four Score would probably upset Mrs. Wanda, but two seems to be OK with her.
Marcia Price
12 years ago
2 posts
I just call them my other children :)
Stephanie Stuckwisch
12 years ago
45 posts
a mode of dulcimers?
Robin Thompson
12 years ago
1,464 posts
Dusty Turtle
12 years ago
1,769 posts
A chorus of dulcimers?
Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator
As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Rob N Lackey
12 years ago
420 posts
Never heard of a proper name for the bunch of dulcimers. So may I suggest a "strum" of dulcimers.
Cindy Stammich
12 years ago
69 posts
updated by @cindy-stammich: 07/31/23 09:29:15PM