Gail Webber


Location: Greensboro, NC
Country: US

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Larry Walton SheilaG Dinahlee MANSKER Ron Stewart Don Grundy sweetbriar Kevin R. sleepingangel dulcinina Sheryl St. Clare Charles Thomas Monica Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington jeffrey charles foster Ken Backer Lynn austin Karel Votanek James Phillips Jill Geary Kevin Messenger robert schuler Jan Potts Rob N Lackey Paula Brawdy Rick Probst Bill S Sean Ruprecht-Belt Cheryl Forget Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 20
images: 11
videos: 9


streams: 29
video file: 4.8MB, 00:01:03

Cynthia Wigington
02/21/15 08:25:23PM @cynthia-wigington:

I never sensed that you were uncomfortable Gail. Besides, I couldn't talk if you messed it up, because I mess up big time at least once with every video. This was very nice to listen to, hope you keep posting.

Gail Webber
02/21/15 07:04:56PM @gail-webber:

Thank you James, Cynthia and Benjamin. James, the tuning is DAd. I believe I sort of went by a tab from the ED site. Benjamin, yes it was short. I can sit and play it all day, but turn that camera on and I'm sure to mess it up the second time through! Cynthia, I do indeed enjoy my Ferguson dulcimer. I had never seen one with a dogwood top before until I saw this one for sale. The dogwood is our state flower, so I thought it would be nice to have. It doesn't give a big booming sound, but is very nice, especiallyfor quieter tunes.


Cynthia Wigington
02/21/15 06:25:58PM @cynthia-wigington:

Very sweet and sad version of this song Gail, and I love your Ferguson.

Ben Barr Jr
02/21/15 05:59:53PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Very nice...ended too soon though. Smile.gif

James Phillips
02/21/15 03:28:12PM @james-phillips:

very nice Gail! What tuning are you playing it out of?

Gail Webber
02/19/15 11:32:32AM @gail-webber:

Thanks Patty and Geekling. I do like my Jack Ferguson dulcimer - especially for the slower tunes. It has a sweet voice.

Patty from Virginia
02/18/15 08:43:23PM @patty-from-virginia:

Very lovely Gail!!! Jack did a fine job on that dulcimerSmile.gif

Gail Webber
02/18/15 01:12:20PM @gail-webber:

Thanks Bob, Ken and Lexie. Now that I'm hearing it on line, it seems slightly draggy, but I appreciate your kind comments.

Lexie R Oakley
02/18/15 11:30:11AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very beautiful sweet song Gail, thanks for your playing for us.Grin.gif

Ken Backer
02/18/15 11:14:47AM @ken-backer:

Such pretty playing, Gail. Thanks for posting your "Shenandoah".Grin.gif

Bob Reinsel
02/18/15 09:33:00AM @bob-reinsel:

Very pretty. Thanks!

Gail Webber
02/18/15 08:36:49AM @gail-webber:

Thanks everyone. I appreciate you watching.

John Keane
02/17/15 10:31:05PM @john-keane:

Gail, that's really pretty. You should be proud! Smile.gif

Greg Patterson
02/17/15 10:02:53PM @greg-patterson:

Very nicely flowing version!