Gail Webber


Location: Greensboro, NC
Country: US

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Wayfaring Stranger

musician/member name: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:01:51
On McSpadden baritone dulcimer
Gail Webber
10/10/16 02:22:22PM @gail-webber:

Thanks Jan!

Jan Potts
10/10/16 02:01:08PM @jan-potts:

Lovely, Gail!  I can certainly tell why you made it to the finals!  The baritone is the perfect fit for this song, too.


Gail Webber
10/10/16 01:41:17PM @gail-webber:

Thanks so much, John.  I appreciate your nice comments.  I played this tune at the Old Fiddler's Convention in Galax, Va. this August (but on my Modern Mountain dulcimer instead of the baritone). 

John W. McKinstry
10/10/16 01:25:49PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Hi Gail,  I just listened to "Wayfarin Stranger agaiin".  This time I noticed both your introduction and ending.

Nice touches.  You have a way on making the dulcimer sing. Thank you so much.

Martin Oesterle
09/03/16 07:12:52PM @martin-oesterle:

Oh i love this song! Sound´s GREAT! Thank you. 

Gail Webber
08/24/16 12:39:52PM @gail-webber:


Hey Gail,


that was so cool! i loved how it started out with the picking and then picked up speed. It felt like a whole new song and yet it was as lovely as any version I've heard. I really enjoyed your unique version.  The sound of the baritone was perfect for this version. and nice bringing it all back to the picking at the end!!


GREAT job!!


thanks for sharing




p.s I can't wait to get back to more regular playing of my dulcimers. I miss it so. I'm going to the hand surgeon in two days!!

Thanks so much, Maria!


08/24/16 01:27:05AM @sleepingangel:

Hey Gail,

that was so cool! i loved how it started out with the picking and then picked up speed. It felt like a whole new song and yet it was as lovely as any version I've heard. I really enjoyed your unique version.  The sound of the baritone was perfect for this version. and nice bringing it all back to the picking at the end!!

GREAT job!!

thanks for sharing


p.s I can't wait to get back to more regular playing of my dulcimers. I miss it so. I'm going to the hand surgeon in two days!!

Gail Webber
08/23/16 11:42:53AM @gail-webber:

I was not liking playing the baritone because of all of the squeaking on the wound middle and bass strings.  I ordered a set of squeakless strings for it and am enjoying it much more.  There is still a little squeaking, but I don't mind a little.

Gail Webber
08/22/16 01:09:00PM @gail-webber:

Thanks to everyone for your nice comments!

Terry Wilson
08/22/16 08:36:19AM @terry-wilson:

Hi Gail, 

Fantastic job on a very beautiful song.  I love the way you changed speeds and the clear tones.  Like your instrument was begging us to sing along.  Very nice.

08/20/16 07:04:39PM @hugssandi:

OH I love this!  I have been working on the same song, only differently, and enjoyed watching and hearing your rendition.  SO GOOD!!!

Joe Hamilton
08/20/16 10:06:06AM @joe-hamilton:

Very nice! Just learned this on my guitar a few weeks ago. There are so  many great traditional songs to learn and it doubles the fun when you play two instruments. Thank goodness for utub to help in the learning process.  That being said; you have just inspired me to learn this on my strumstick,  which will easily translate to the dulcimer.

08/20/16 08:59:36AM @monica:

Really pretty sounding Gail!

Steven Berger
08/19/16 09:07:16PM @steven-berger:

very nicely played Gail.



Charles Thomas
08/19/16 08:55:43PM @charles-thomas:

Gail, That was beautiful! I liked the how it started out, kind of sad, followed by the uplifting middle and then the resolution...Thank you!

Gail Webber
08/19/16 07:46:34PM @gail-webber:

Thanks Lexie and John - appreciate it.


John W. McKinstry
08/19/16 03:22:33PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Wonderful Gail.  Enjoyed it so much.  It was spell binding.  Thanks for bringing this hymn to life.

Lexie R Oakley
08/19/16 02:18:35PM @lexie-r-oakley:

How excellent Gail, happy you played it  at the convention. Sounding really good.

Gail Webber
08/19/16 12:25:33PM @gail-webber:

I changed the strings on my McSpadden baritone and am enjoying playing it again.  Played this tune at Galax fiddler's convention last week, but on my MMD.