"MUNGA LATEN" on Dulcimer & Bowed Psaltery

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:17
Duration: 00:02:17
A Swedish tune Michael Hubbert and Michael Rugg played on the historic "PACIFIC RIM DULCIMER PROJECT" album that has become a popular American Dulcimer tune. My friend Michael Rugg for many years had a booth at the Original Renaissance Faire in Agoura and Novato California selling his brother Howard Rugg's "Folk Roots Dulcimers". Michael had his part of the company "Capritaurus Music" start building Bowed Psalteries and taking me with him, those were happy days! But Michael is also a recognized authority on Big Foot and now the Dulcimer store in Felton CA is his world famous Big Foot Museum.
Nice playing! You guys haven't lost a beat since those days of the Ren Faire.