Gregg Schneeman


Location: Arcadia, CA
Country: US

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youtube videos: 66
images: 5


musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:14
Some say this tune refers to the Napoleonic War period, but nobody seems to know for sure, sounds great on Dulcimer.
12/29/18 03:09:52PM @bob:

Grand tune and playing!

Steven Berger
12/29/18 07:34:44AM @steven-berger:

Gregg, you make that dulcimer sound like the bagpipes!

Gregg Schneeman
12/11/18 11:27:49AM @gregg-schneeman:

Thank for your interest Dulcinina, all five of these Dulcimer and Hummel videos I've posted lately I'm tuned dAD. On my YouTube channel I have over 300 Bowed Psaltery videos I invite all FOTMD Folks to drop by and check out.

12/11/18 09:27:47AM @dulcinina:

That was great, Gregg.  What tuning did you use?  I watched both videos and like your style of playing.  Dulcinina