Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Time Has Made A Change In Me

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Duration: 00:02:09
This was done on Saturday at the Wartz n All Spring Gathering. Snow most of the day, but warm and strummin inside.
Jim Fawcett
04/24/15 08:37:15PM @jim-fawcett:

I agree with you, Robin. This is turning out to be one of my favorites.

Robin Thompson
04/24/15 07:23:13PM @robin-thompson:
Nice, y'all! A relaxing tune it is.
Jim Fawcett
04/24/15 02:21:11PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Millie. At Wartz we aim to please...113.gif

Ken Backer
04/01/15 09:19:50AM @ken-backer:

Some very nice group playing going on there. I was not familiar with this song. It's has a nice feel about it, I may seek out the words and learn it.

John Keane
04/01/15 06:52:24AM @john-keane:

Fun for all! Thanks for sharing this! Smile.gif

Dusty Turtle
04/01/15 03:25:44AM @dusty:

Looks like a lot of fun. And what a soothing song!

Larn Werner
03/31/15 10:39:28PM @larn-werner:

Nicely done! Now to search for TAB...

Terry Wilson
03/30/15 05:34:06PM @terry-wilson:
One of these days, one of these days, I'm going to find somebody to play with too. Like being an only child in these parts.
Lexie R Oakley
03/30/15 05:04:03PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very Lovely song, you all played it nicely....Oh this group playing looks like just FUN!Grin.gif

Patty from Virginia
03/30/15 04:35:47PM @patty-from-virginia:

You all did good!!! I wish I could have been there.Smile.gif