

Location: Villingen Germany
Country: DE

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Bourrée d´Erasme

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:04
Dulcimer capo 1.fret Ebee French bourrée in 2/4
John Henry
12/28/21 06:27:01PM @john-henry:

Love it !

Peter Corser
01/04/17 05:56:52AM @peter-corser:

I really enjoyed that, thanks.

01/04/17 03:18:37AM @luigi:

Thank you for your nice comments. Yes, Steven, I built this dulcimer. It ´s a McSpadden kit with some little modifications.

Brian G.
01/03/17 08:50:45PM @brian-g:

Very nice Luigi. I really enjoyed this.

Steven Berger
01/03/17 05:09:16PM @steven-berger:

Nice playing, Luigi! Is that dulcimer one you built? It sounds great!

