Mark Gilston


Location: Cedar Park, TX
Country: US

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youtube videos: 80

Indian Neck Waltz (an original tune by Mark Gilston)

musician/member name: Mark Gilston
Duration: 00:02:15
Mark Gilston plays an original Swedish/German inspired waltz on mountain dulcimer.
I had originally intended to make this a duet track with dulcimer and concertina to more closely resemble the arrangement I play with my group, but ultimately it felt unnecessary, and I believe it also stands up well as a solo piece. However, it was too late to change the title page.
Indian Neck was a small music festival in western Connecticut.
For tabs, CDs, books, and Skype lessons, visit
07/23/24 03:42:36AM @shanonmilan:

Mark Gilston:


I hope you can share some of your concertina performances too.


Here's the YouTube playlist of concertina solos:


Thanks I'll definitely check those out.

09/10/23 01:44:26AM @nate:

Mark you're a very skilled concertina player! I do agree that the song sounds great as a solo piece, but I would definitely enjoy hearing you play concertina and dulcimer together!
Thanks for sharing :)

Mark Gilston
09/07/23 10:37:23PM @mark-gilston:


I hope you can share some of your concertina performances too.


Here's the YouTube playlist of concertina solos:

09/07/23 09:55:31PM @shanonmilan:

I hope you can share some of your concertina performances too.

Dusty Turtle
05/16/22 06:45:41PM @dusty:

What a charming, springtime tune!

Mark Gilston
05/16/22 10:03:48AM @mark-gilston:

Here's my original score for it.

Indian Neck Waltz.jpg
Indian Neck Waltz.jpg  •  510KB

05/16/22 07:54:47AM @strumelia:

What a delightful waltz Mark! I very much enjoyed it. music