Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Sleet & Freezing Rain

Sleet & Freezing Rain

style or instrument: lap dulcimer & guitar

musician/member name: Robin & Mark

streams: 97

Annie Deeley
03/12/17 06:33:47PM @annie-deeley:

Wow, is this ever fun! Thanks!

David Pedersen
03/12/17 03:57:39PM @david-pedersen:

Love it !


Robin Thompson
03/12/17 03:17:54PM @robin-thompson:

Golly, thanks, folks!  

Mark & I are living proof that homemade music doesn't have to be perfect to be fun.  ;)

03/12/17 08:17:36AM @macaodha:

Love that tune Robin, not so sure about the title. Anyway the weather is getting kinder.

Robin Thompson
02/25/16 10:39:10PM @robin-thompson:

Mark & I are glad you enjoyed the tune, fellas!  Thanks for listening!

02/25/16 08:32:26PM @pine:

GREAT! Such a happy and upbeat tune with lovely tones!

Robin Clark
02/25/16 03:55:22PM @robin-clark:

Oh I love this thumbsup

Robin Thompson
02/23/16 07:24:16PM @robin-thompson:

Thanks a bunch, Helen!  I'm a fan of your tunes! 

Robin Thompson
02/21/16 11:27:10PM @robin-thompson:

Charles, as long as it was breathless in a good way. . . :) Thank you for listening and the nice comment. 

Charles Thomas
02/20/16 11:16:13PM @charles-thomas:

Robin and Mark, that was breathtaking, I mean that literally! Robin your playing left me breathless! Wow!! 

Robin Thompson
02/20/16 10:49:45AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks, Ben!  Yup, we made it up.  :)

Ben Barr Jr
02/20/16 09:10:33AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Great tune.  Original?  

Robin Thompson
02/16/16 09:54:06PM @robin-thompson:

Many thanks for the nice comments, friends!  I hope the tune's title matches well with the tune itself.  :)

Stephanie Muschlitz
02/16/16 03:55:00PM @stephanie-muschlitz:

Hi Robin,

I really enjoyed listening to the tune. That was our morning here in PA! Sleet and Freezing Rain!

Gail Webber
02/16/16 01:14:13PM @gail-webber:

Really nice.  Gives the feeling I have gotten over the last couple of days with the snow and freezing rain we have gotten!

02/16/16 09:58:47AM @monica:

I really enjoyed this!

02/15/16 09:57:38AM @dan:


Robin Thompson
02/15/16 09:51:49AM @robin-thompson:

Friends, thanks for the nice comments.  I want the tune to have a wild sound yet there's a wild thing or two in here the thing could do without.  :)

Hey, Salt Springs, maybe I should re-title the tune to Humdinger! :) I agree with your friend's comments.  My husband and I make music for our own pleasure and whatever comes out when we play is okay.  Only when playing for a special occasion (such as a wedding) does it really matter we do nothing to attract undue attention to ourselves (and away from where attention needs to be) by making mistakes.  


Bill S
02/15/16 06:00:04AM @bill-s:

This is nice and lively.  Well done.


Jim Fawcett
02/15/16 05:51:32AM @jim-fawcett:

Very nice, Robin.