Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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This Is My Father's World

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:33
"This Is My Father's World" is an old Christian hymn in the public domain. Though we play an instrumental version, the words speak to me, are a reminder we are stewards of Earth and need to always be mindful to care for and about the planet.
Robin Thompson
11/21/16 10:34:49AM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, friends.  It is a lovely old hymn that holds lots of meaning today!  (Yay, MT Gov't, Lexie!) 


Erin, due to life circumstances, our A-liner hasn't been moved since '12. :( We've lots of work to do on it and I have hopes of being able to camp in '17!

11/18/16 05:49:27AM @sam:

Thank you Robin and Mark. So pretty and soothing. 

Norman Arrington
11/17/16 04:45:37PM @norman-arrington:

Very nice and touching. One of my favorite hymns.

Lexie R Oakley
11/17/16 11:27:04AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very pretty playing, Robin and Mark I always enjoy hearing you play together.

Robin wanted to let you know that the State of MT and Black Feet Tribe canceled  gas and oil lease on tribal lands that is in northwest MT that runs up into Canada.

I agree that we must protect our earth and have great respect for our Native Neighbors and their respect for our environment. I am proud of our Montana Government. 

11/17/16 10:53:38AM @strumelia:

Awesome and so enjoyable, Robin.  clapper