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BeginnerVideo#12 Rhody3

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Duration: 00:09:51
Part three of four beginner videos on playing Go Tell Aunt Rhody.
11/10/14 05:24:55PM @strumelia:

I'm so happy to hear this, Lexie! Keep having fun and progressing a little tiny bit at a time. Keep it fun!

Lexie R Oakley
11/10/14 04:59:05PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Thank you Strumelia,

Your teaching videos are so helpful and it is fun to play along with you. What I am singing is the tab #'s, this helps my memory. I am gaining comfort on the strumming it is flowing.

One thing I notice is not finding the frets so well, this will come with practise and memorizing the feeling of the sounds....Grin.gif Oh how much fun to play this tune with you.

10/10/10 03:10:42PM @sam:
The usual suggestion is to clear cookies and empty your browser cache (delete your temporary internet files).Other than that, the usual culprit is a slow connection (dial up for example).You can also check your pop up blocker and turn it off, that sometimes helps.Also install active x.Questions on any of this are easiest answered by going to . It will give you step by step, by the numbers instructions on just about anything.Hope this helps
10/10/10 02:43:26PM @strumelia:
Marion, I have started a new discussion to see if others know exactly what the problem is for you.You can keep up with the discussion here: ...and maybe we can figure out what's wrong for you.