Clyde the limberjack

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:12
Duration: 00:02:12
This is Clyde the limberjack (also known as a jig doll), made of walnut wood in Virginia by the late Keith Young. Here I make him dance to an old minstrel song that I'm playing on my banjo, called Do Mr. Boker Do. I got the song directly from Phil Rice's banjo tutor book of 1858, playing it here as an instrumental. There are few things in music more fun than a dancing limber jack!
Clyde's a pretty awesome little dude. Loved performance. Thanks for this little ditty.
That's a good idea to cover the board with fabric. I may steal that idea for one of my lumberjack paddles.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Thanks friends. KenL- Clyde's 'dance floor' is a very thin wood veneer piece from the hardware store (or balsa maybe?) and I just cut a piece of cotton calico fabric and glued it around the board. Without the fabric, I find the clacking sound to be overpowering, but with the thin fabric it's just right. :)
That was fun. I really like Clyde's dance floor.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
So cute! And thanks for posting this as a test to help me figure out how to post my videos.
Ohhhh my this was so much fun!!!!
Sure wish I could keep up with Clyde!!!