Cynthia Wigington


Location: Fairlee, VT
Country: US

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Dulcimer Sacred Harp Parting Hand

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Duration: 00:03:04
Parting Hand, Sacred Harp #62. Done here noter/drone, tuned more or less DAA on a Robert Schuler Just Intonated dulcimer. He can be found on FOTMD. I played ...
Cynthia Wigington
02/02/17 08:22:46AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks so much for your nice comment Lisa. Huge flakes drifted down all day yesterday, turned it into winter wonderland again. Hope you're well.

02/01/17 11:14:18PM @strumelia:

This is so soothing and stately, with its rolling rhythm and I like the little high part in it.  Nicely done!

Cynthia Wigington
06/27/16 10:11:24AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thanks so much for your kind comment Oliver.

Oliver Ogden
06/27/16 07:07:21AM @oliver-ogden:

I must have missed this one,Cynthia. I did enjoy it very much. thank you


Cynthia Wigington
05/25/15 08:32:35AM @cynthia-wigington:

Marg thanks, I do have other noters, his just came highly prized.

05/24/15 10:31:47PM @marg:

I made somebamboo noters out of some bamboo paint brushes and chop sticks. While you are waiting for the bamboo grove, maybe you could give something like these a try.

Dusty Turtle
05/19/15 12:38:16PM @dusty:

Hi Cynthia. I just sent you a friend request. Send me a personal message and I'll let you know how my noter forest . . . er . . . uh . . . I mean my bamboo grove is doing this spring.

Cynthia Wigington
05/19/15 08:48:10AM @cynthia-wigington:

Why thank you Dusty. As a 15 year old I listened to the wolf whistles when my mother put a lovely stockinged leg out of the car door. Any chance I can get a bamboo noter or 2 from you? They are highly praised. Thanks again.

Dusty Turtle
05/18/15 10:52:59PM @dusty:

Cynthia, you've got the cutest music stand I've ever seen! 24.gif

But seriously, this is some nice playing. A joy to listen to.

Cynthia Wigington
05/18/15 08:48:06PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Helen, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Cynthia Wigington
05/13/15 09:06:56AM @cynthia-wigington:

Razyn, sounds interesting, would be helpful if you said whether it is all the tunes out of the book, or about them.

Cynthia Wigington
05/13/15 09:02:19AM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Terry, I am inclined to agree with you. If you want pretty much DAA, this is certainly the one. The DAd tab is on the next Schuler Butternut video.

Terry Wilson
05/13/15 08:53:35AM @terry-wilson:


That is one more sweet sounding dulcimer, and you bring the sweetness out. You may have finally hit upon that "perfect dulcimer", that is so elusive.

Ken Backer
05/13/15 08:49:59AM @ken-backer:

Ya done good there Cynthia, thanks for sharing and making us more familiar the sacred harp music. You look cold there today, but comfortable. Maybe depart the chair and take Greta for a walk.Grin.gif

05/12/15 10:26:04PM @razyn:

I don't think I've shamelessly plugged the book I co-authored about the Sacred Harp 's sources, except when it first came out (Nov. 2010). Anyway I was the words guy, meaning the lesser of the two authors... but I did get my name, after the word "with," on the cover. And I had about four lines about the PARTING HAND text, on p. 186.


Cynthia Wigington
05/12/15 09:16:20PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Gordon, today specially careless. Oh well, it happens, I was trying to help the guy get the tab and got it wrong.

Cynthia Wigington
05/12/15 09:13:51PM @cynthia-wigington:

Sorry! First part of this is not right, I corrected the tab but not the video yet.

Gordon Hardy
05/12/15 09:11:15PM @gordon-hardy:

Thank you so much for sharing this Cynthia, a sweet tune, a pretty dulcimer and very special lady.

Cynthia Wigington
05/12/15 08:39:12PM @cynthia-wigington:

Thank you Greg, I was happy someone today mentioned a new one they wanted tab for.

Greg Patterson
05/12/15 08:37:24PM @greg-patterson:

I like that sacred harp sound!