


Location: New Tazewell, TN
Country: USA

My Latest Followers:

clawjammer RobMachin Homer Ross glp1958 AndiBear Susan Ann jost tednms Hunterdude Nate Bob M hoodoo Judith tssfulk haydee025 Dave D Ballad Gal Elvensong tndulcimer GaryFSmith Ariane Debbie Kopp Simpkins Ryan Carrell Don Grundy Laurel K Scott jazzc Kevin R. Mary DianeL Redmando fluidpaint Black Dog Bess dulcinina JGD Salt Springs Kandee Mill Branch Dulcimores Sheryl St. Clare Charles Thomas David Pedersen Bob Reinsel Noah Aikens Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Richard Wojtulewicz Bill Robison jeffrey charles foster Bob Will Mark Runge


youtube videos: 2
images: 200
audio tracks: 15

Simple Gifts

Simple Gifts

style or instrument: Noter/Drone

musician/member name: Dulcimore Dan

streams: 78


1917 RT replication tuned about DAA sound clip.
05/11/22 07:42:36PM @dan:

Thank you all!

05/11/22 06:44:05PM @davisjames:

That's a good one,great to hear you playing it on the dulcimer.In Canada it was a hit on the radio believe it or not in the 70's,sung under a different title"Lord of the Dance" by Cape Breton singer John Allan Cameron..no dulcimers!fiddles,yes.

Pete Babechuk
05/09/22 09:11:22PM @pete-babechuk:

One of the first songs I learned. Nice sound.

John C. Knopf
05/08/22 09:13:47PM @john-c-knopf:

Sounds pretty sweet, there, Dan!

Robin Thompson
05/08/22 06:52:33PM @robin-thompson:

The new build sounds super! 

Richard Streib
05/08/22 04:48:22PM @richard-streib:

Wow. Sounds so good.