


Location: New Tazewell, TN
Country: USA



My Latest Followers:

clawjammer RobMachin Homer Ross glp1958 AndiBear Susan Ann jost tednms Hunterdude Nate Bob M hoodoo Judith tssfulk haydee025 Dave D Ballad Gal Elvensong tndulcimer GaryFSmith Ariane Debbie Kopp Simpkins Ryan Carrell Don Grundy Laurel K Scott jazzc Kevin R. Mary DianeL Redmando fluidpaint Black Dog Bess dulcinina JGD Salt Springs Mill Branch Dulcimores Sheryl St. Clare Charles Thomas David Pedersen Bob Reinsel Noah Aikens Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Bill Robison jeffrey charles foster Bob Will Mark Runge Ken Backer Lynn austin


youtube videos: 2
images: 200
audio tracks: 15

Simple Gifts

Simple Gifts

style or instrument: Noter/Drone

musician/member name: Dulcimore Dan

streams: 79


1917 RT replication tuned about DAA sound clip.
05/11/22 07:42:36PM @dan:

Thank you all!

05/11/22 06:44:05PM @davisjames:

That's a good one,great to hear you playing it on the dulcimer.In Canada it was a hit on the radio believe it or not in the 70's,sung under a different title"Lord of the Dance" by Cape Breton singer John Allan Cameron..no dulcimers!fiddles,yes.

Pete Babechuk
05/09/22 09:11:22PM @pete-babechuk:

One of the first songs I learned. Nice sound.

John C. Knopf
05/08/22 09:13:47PM @john-c-knopf:

Sounds pretty sweet, there, Dan!

Robin Thompson
05/08/22 06:52:33PM @robin-thompson:

The new build sounds super! 

Richard Streib
05/08/22 04:48:22PM @richard-streib:

Wow. Sounds so good.