Dusty Turtle


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Black Hawk Waltz/Westphalia Waltz

musician/member name: Dusty T
Duration: 00:03:45
A medley of two waltzes: Black Hawk Waltz and Westphalia Waltz. I am playing a dulcimer made of cherry and redwood by Terry McCafferty and tuned C#G#c#.

For McCafferty Dulcimers: https://www.mccaffertydulcimers.com/

I learned Black Hawk from a video by Psalteryman available at
and a 1929 recording by the Kessinger Brothers.
07/20/19 08:33:25AM @leny-sue:

Correction: Matthiesen

07/19/19 09:34:16PM @leny-sue:

Thanks, Dusty, for the info. I have a couple of Bill Matthuesen waltz books, come to think of it. Need to get them out and work some up.

Dusty Turtle
07/19/19 04:53:39PM @dusty:

Hi @Leny-Sue and thanks for listening.  There are lots of traditional and more modern waltzes that work really well on the dulcimer.  My regular dulcimer group ends every session playing "Southwind," which may not technically be a waltz, but it is in 3/4 time.  One of my favorites to play is "Spanish Fandango," which is neither Spanish nor a fandango, but a waltz from the later 19th century. A few people have put out entire books of tab just with waltzes. I know @Heidi-Muller has a couple of books of waltzes out, and so does @Tull-Glazener.  I'm sure there are others.

07/19/19 02:51:58PM @leny-sue:

I love a beautiful waltz. Are waltzes traditionally played on dulcimers? What are some other waltzes you like to play? 

Dusty Turtle
06/23/18 10:29:21PM @dusty:

Thanks, @robert-l-parker-jr. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Robert L. Porter, Jr.
06/23/18 06:51:52PM @robert-l-porter-jr:

Very good, enjoyed it very much. 

Dusty Turtle
05/18/18 11:16:16AM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, @strumelia and @ron-zuckerman.

Ron Zuckerman
05/17/18 02:08:28PM @ron-zuckerman:

Very nice medley, Dusty!

05/17/18 09:57:21AM @strumelia:

I love waltzes. Sweet medley, Dusty!

Cindy Stammich
05/16/18 09:18:17PM @cindy-stammich:

Dusty - I did say your music made me "want" to dance - LOL!

Maybe I should try the merry-go-round!!!thumbsup

Dusty Turtle
05/16/18 12:20:48AM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, @terry-wilson, @robin-thompson, and @elvensong.  I appreciate your taking the time to comment.

05/15/18 11:43:01PM @elvensong:

Ah so sweet. Nice touch Dusty...worthy

Robin Thompson
05/15/18 10:10:15PM @robin-thompson:

Smooth, Dusty, so nice.  Your transition from one tune to the other really grabbed me.  

Terry Wilson
05/15/18 10:02:25PM @terry-wilson:

Dusty, I agree with Sam.  "You make it look so easy." I also agree with Cindy, "Makes you want to dance."

Enjoyed your music very much.

Dusty Turtle
05/15/18 10:40:32AM @dusty:

@ariane, @john-keane, @paula-brawdy, and @sam, thanks so much for your encouragement. It means a lot.

05/15/18 06:25:23AM @sam:

Looks so easy and sounds so good ... when YOU do it :)


Paula Brawdy
05/15/18 05:43:09AM @paula-brawdy:

Love it!!  Great playing!     and of course great dulcimer!   I have  a Mccafferty and love it!   They have a nice sound!

John Keane
05/15/18 05:37:47AM @john-keane:

Dusty, you did an outstanding job of styling this!  There are so many subtle things going on that fit waltzes perfectly.  Well done!

05/15/18 05:11:47AM @ariane:

Beautiful playing Dusty! flower

Dusty Turtle
05/15/18 04:45:53AM @dusty:

Thanks for taking the time to comment, @cindy-stammich and @val-hughes.  The tunes are nice by themselves; my job is just to stay out of the way.

Cindy, there are two kinds of people in the world: those who hear a waltz and want to dance, and those who hear a waltz and want to ride a merry-go-round.  I'm among the latter. Carousel Horse on Samsung Experience 9.1