Dusty Turtle


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Choucoune (Ti Zwazo)

musician/member name: Dusty T
Duration: 00:02:37
The music for "Choucoune" was written in 1893 by Michel Mauleart Monton to accompany a poem in Haitian creole written by Oswald Durand in 1883 while he sat in a jail and longed for a former lover. Today, the song is more commonly referred to as "Ti Zwazo," meaning "Little Bird," and a version in English called "Yellow Bird" became a pop hit in the 1950s, leading many to mistakenly believe the song to be of Jamaican origin. I am playing a dulcimer made of cherry and redwood by Terry McCafferty and tuned DAd.

For full Haitian lyrics and an English translation, visit http://www.dadychery.org/2011/09/24/choucoune-story-and-song/.

For McCafferty dulcimers, go to https://www.mccaffertydulcimers.com/.
Dusty Turtle
04/06/18 10:19:05AM @dusty:

Thanks so much, Martin and Christine.  I appreciate your listening and taking the time to comment.

Christine Shoemaker
04/06/18 08:45:03AM @christine-shoemaker:

Bravo, Dusty!!!  clapper   Very cool and so well played - I love it!  

Martin Oesterle
04/06/18 02:39:38AM @martin-oesterle:

I like this very much! Great!

Dusty Turtle
03/29/18 12:03:20PM @dusty:

Thanks for your comments, Strumelia and Sam.  I appreciate it.

As for a winter tonic, well . . . we are supposed to hit 80 today in Sacramento. sun  indeed.

03/29/18 05:45:47AM @sam:

I know the song as Yellow Bird. Thanks for the background. Fascinating! VERY nicely played.

03/25/18 05:38:17PM @strumelia:

So happy and sun-drenched, Dusty!   A welcome Winter tonic, played just right.  sun

Dusty Turtle
03/25/18 12:04:51PM @dusty:

Ha!  Thanks, Robin. We're all better off if my dulcimer dances and I stay still.  When I dance people assume I'm epileptic.mrdance

Robin Thompson
03/25/18 11:59:30AM @robin-thompson:

You are making that McCafferty dance, Dusty! 

Dusty Turtle
03/25/18 11:53:03AM @dusty:

Thanks for your encouragement, @Beryl.  Practice is definitely important; I've been working on this tune for months.

In case you or anyone else is interested, I posted tablature for this tune in the Tab Archive at Everything Dulcimer.

03/25/18 08:57:09AM @beryl:

That was great playing.  Wish I could play even a little bit.  I will keep practicing.

Dusty Turtle
03/23/18 10:46:56AM @dusty:

Thanks, @Rob-N-Lackey and @Ariane.  The melody for this one wasn't hard to figure out, but getting the rhythm smooth enough took some practice.

Actually, "Music that shouldn't be played on a dulcimer" would be the great theme for a festival workshop!

03/23/18 07:06:07AM @ariane:

Thank you for the beautiful journey to new realms of music for the mountain dulcimer smile

Rob N Lackey
03/23/18 06:22:00AM @rob-n-lackey:

Bravo!  clap clapper   

It's great to hear music that "shouldn't" be played on a dulcimer done so well!  

Dusty Turtle
03/22/18 08:58:54PM @dusty:

Thanks so much, @Marc-Mathieu.  Cocktail Emoticon

Dusty Turtle
03/22/18 06:57:33PM @dusty:

Thanks, @Nigelbleddfa and @Val-Hughes, for listening and taking the time to comment.  This is a fun tune.

03/22/18 03:58:16PM @macaodha:

This is excellent, very well played Dusty.

03/22/18 02:44:38PM @nigelbleddfa:

You have taken me back to my childhood, Dusty. Your version is better !