Musical subjects of interest to all mountain dulcimer players. (Please do not list any items for sale here- use the 'For Sale' forum.)
3 posts
unusual old mountain dulcimer at Gruhn's in Nashville
@Robin Thompson, updated by @Bob 4 years ago
26 posts
AppalAsia - mountain dulcimer, erhu, banjo
@Robin Thompson, updated by @Dusty Turtle 4 years ago
62 posts
You know your dulcimer has a hold on you when...
@LisavB, updated by @banjelele 5 years ago
8 posts
one-of-a-kind Sam Rizetta mountain dulcimer
@Robin Thompson, updated by @Robin Thompson 5 years ago
3 posts
Homer Ledford in a short film from Woodsongs
@Robin Thompson, updated by @Robin Thompson 5 years ago
12 posts
Dr. George Orthey, Mountain dulcimer and Autoharp maker
@Ken Longfield, updated by @Robin Thompson 5 years ago
2 posts
Tim Eriksen playing MD and singing sacred harp
@Robin Thompson, updated by @Strumelia 5 years ago
2 posts
Heard of "The Left Hand Dulcimer Band"?
@Gregg Schneeman, updated by @Steve Mellott 5 years ago