Gordon Hardy


Location: Woking, Alberta
Country: CA

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KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN on baritone mountain dulcimer

musician/member name: Entertainment
Duration: 00:04:12
"Kathleen Mavourneen" was written in 1837 by Frederick Crouch with lyrics by Marion Crawford. It was popular during the American Civil War. "Mavourneen" is a term of endearment derived from the Irish Gaelic mo mhuirnin, meaning "my beloved".
The song plays a prominent role in the film Gettysburg, where "Kathleen Mavourneen" is sung by an Irish tenor at the Confederate camp and thereafter is used frequently as a theme in Randy Edelman's musical score for the film.
Gordon Hardy
08/29/16 08:22:41PM @gordon-hardy:

Hello Patty, Terry and Ben. Thank you so much for your encouraging words.


Patty from Virginia
08/29/16 07:35:26PM @patty-from-virginia:

That's beautiful!!! You did a wonderful job. I too like it when you tell us the story of the song. Thank you!!!

Ben Barr Jr
08/25/16 03:39:10PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Nicely done Gordon.  Thanks for the history on the song.


Gordon Hardy
08/25/16 03:12:21PM @gordon-hardy:

Cynthia Wigington:

Wow Gordon - you did a marvelous job with that and looked so comfortable doing it. I was wondering how that would work with just drones, but I like it, sounded old and haunting...thank you.

Thanks Cynthia, you are a great ego booster.

Cynthia Wigington
08/25/16 01:12:46PM @cynthia-wigington:

Wow Gordon - you did a marvelous job with that and looked so comfortable doing it. I was wondering how that would work with just drones, but I like it, sounded old and haunting...thank you.

Terry Wilson
08/24/16 08:31:10AM @terry-wilson:

Hey Gordon

I always enjoy your videos, so thanks for the song.   Your dulcimers and Helen's dulcimers, rival in their beauty.

As always, nice job there Gordon.

Gordon Hardy
08/24/16 12:15:42AM @gordon-hardy:


That's wonderful, Gordon.  I always enjoy your powerful singing and playing, and your song choices with their history described.

Thank you Lisa, I appreciate your kindness. This melody was a delight to play and sing to. I had to lower some of the high notes and raise some of the low notes in the notation to suit my somewhat limited range.

08/22/16 04:39:11PM @strumelia:

That's wonderful, Gordon.  I always enjoy your powerful singing and playing, and your song choices with their history described.